Does Studio currently “support” dragging models that are inside models?
For eg. to drag a part inside a model you hold alt and can freely drag it, scale it, move it (using move tool), etc.
With models this does not seem possible. To select a model inside of another model you use the explorer tab but there seems to be no way of dragging that selected model.
Note that moving/dragging are both different - dragging means holding the model and dragging it around whilst moving means using the move tool and moving it on the XYZ axes.
You can somewhat do this already by using ALT + Mouse button and dragging to select whatever parts…this disregards models entirely.
But this isn’t efficient in a lot of cases, like if I have several models inside a model and I want to drag a specific model alone… ALT+Mouse button no good
Wait, there is a way to move parts in a model without using the explorer!!! My life is ruined, hours lost by trying to find the model on 300 other parts and models in the workspace…