Hello, I’m creating an inventory system but I’m having trouble with clicking and dragging frames of the inventory. I want the player to be able to click and drag the frame but the frame isn’t able to move if it’s in the UIListLayout.
This is my current script and the explorer view:
(Script of when player clicks on a frame and continues to hold mouse1)
In my script I tried cloning the frame and have it get to the same position as the original slot (which is being turned invisible) but a different parent, in order for it to be dragged
If anyone can help it will be much appreciated! Thank you for your time.
If I change its parent it just goes back to its original position relative to the “Container” frame, which is a ways away from where it’s located in the list.
You can also design it with a UiListLayout and then in a script copy the absolute position of the overridden frames, convert it to udim2. scale and then position it with said scale, and destroy the uilistlayout so you have the designed position in the real game and you can also manipulate it however you want
I’ll tinker with it more before scrapping it, I thought up another way to go about inventory that not many games do and looks more fun (I’m extremely lazy and don’t wanna make anymore custom inventory functions)