Dragging System Breaking

When I test the game it works great until I drag an npc. After I try dragging an npc I can no longer drag anything. There are no errors appearing in the output, so I’m confused about what’s wrong. The scripts were taken from a video from Heath Haskins, it was a tutorial on his Lumber Tycoon 2 Grabbing system (Roblox - LMAG - Lumber Tycoon 2 Grab Style Script (The one I made in My Lumber) - YouTube), but I edited it so you can throw objects you’re currently grabbing.

are u grabbing the primary part of an npc?
or the entire npc model itself?

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The part inside of the npc that the mouse is hovering over.

If you are dragging an Character, make sure to drag the HumanoidRootPart. Dragging body parts does nothing.

That did it! I still wonder why it doesn’t work for bodyparts.

Because body parts are not recognised as the assembly’s root.

Body parts are connected with constraints together. The RootPart is the highest Priority part. When moving the Humanoid Root Part, the hall character moves, but moving, for example, a leg - the leg gets instantly moved back since it is connected with the torso->HRP

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