Hello again! My latest post was about my leviathan and people seemed to enjoy that, so here’s another post about one of my other creations: a drake!
A drake is a dragon without wings, and when creating him I used anatomy references of cheetahs and dogs to really get that “fast land predator” feel.
The drake is for my upcoming game “World of Dragons” which I have been developing for about a year now with my humble but talented team. For those of you wondering, I’m the lead developer and head modeler/animator and the drake is 100% my work, from the model to the rig to the animations. Let’s get to looking at some animations now, shall we?




For some reason some of these gifs got glitched and made the eyes appear green, how odd!
Here’s some bonus screenshots of him sitting and sleeping like a good doggy

Thanks for stopping by! Any questions or comments are welcome, I’ll do my best to respond to them all.