This drawer system I made seems very messy and Doesn’t look clean at all. Any ideas how I could make this look better???
I think adding a delay between opening a drawer would fix this.
Once drawers from below have been opened, give the next drawer above a proximity prompt (local, of course). Once all of them have been opened, allow users to open any drawer they wish at any time. This should make it easier and cleaner, probably.
You could add some animation to the hand to make it look like the player is actually opening the drawer with their hand and making it a tiny bit slower. (Edit: you could also make it so the player can’t spam multiple drawers)
This system looks good, nice job on it! You should add at least 1/2 second delay to make sure it looks better and more realistic.
Yes I added a hold duration on the proximity prompts. I also spread out the filing cabinets and made them only 2 drawers tall
I like them, but why are you playing DDR with them.