DrChowderr Portfolio, Early 2010 RPG Developer

About Me

Hello I’m looking to join a project or create some work for a game. I do a little bit of everything, and have basic knowledge of game development. I’m most well known for The Legend of Calezerb’s Sword, an incredibly old and broken 2010 game. It became popular for a bit, and was a one-hit wonder. I took a long break from Roblox since I’ve been attending University and finishing up my degrees (degrees unrelated to game design or programming). I am returning to help others create games and I’m particularly interested in RPG games.

My strength is in re-texturing, I do a lot of work in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Light room, and paint.net.


Armors and Helments



I’m currently enrolled at a university and finishing up my degrees, but due to Covid-19, all my classes have been moved online. Due to that, I am very flexible, and can work at any time. I need a certain amount of time to focus on on classes, but I can always work around it to better fit anyone’s schedule.


I’m willing to do simple retextures for free at the moment to get some more experience, but will charge for longer term or larger projects. I prefer to join a project long term and earn a percentage of profits. I accept either Robux or USD.


You can contact me on discord: sadul#3660
or twitter: https://twitter.com/drchowderr