A new update for Dread that features a ton of new stuff, a few of which are new loadout screen that’s merged with the shop screen, new weapon stats, bugfixes, Xbox improvements and much much more!
What’s new in 1.45?
Loadout and Store screen have been merged together into “Loadout”
- Smoother animations and ability to preview weapons, skins, attachments, taunts, etc. you don’t own
- Info button added on top that shows you the stats of the weapon or armor you’ve selected
- Better overall design
- Menu button now fits the style of the Chat button and has a TAB hotkey indicator next to it
Grenade stats changed:
- Throw time reduced
- Fuse time: 3 sec → 2 sec
Minigun stats changed:
- Ammo: 200/0 → 600/0
- Rate of fire: 600 RPM → 1800 RPM
- Bullets per shot: 3 → 1
SCAR-H stats changed:
- Rate of fire: 240 RPM → 600 RPM
- Head Damage: 75 → 52
- Recoil (x, y): 0.5, 2 → 0.475, 1.65
- Range: 256 studs → 108 studs
- Spread: 0.1 → 0.115
- Improved VR support a bit more:
- Crouching and going prone in VR now works and shows for other players as well
- Added ammo and health bar on right hand (STILL WORK IN PROGRESS!!!)
- Reviving now works on Xbox
- Thumbstick movement improved on Xbox
- Added slight rumble when firing guns on Xbox
- Added new firing animations for the CZ-99
- Increased Jetpack Zombie fall speed from 65 studs/second to 90 studs/second
- Jetpack Zombie’s transition into skydive was made smoother (Skydives in an arc rather than completely stopping and falling)
- Fixed a bug where explosions would damage players with forcefields
- Fixed a bug where melee weapons would damage players with forcefields
- Fixed a bug where AK-47 and RPK bullet shells would eject from the bottom rather than from the side
- Partially fixed a bug where the Tsar Skelly II boss would sometimes jump and stay in the air
- AI Zombies now get damaged by the fire Tsar Skelly II creates
- Added bullet shells falling out when reloading the DB Shotgun
- Body Armor doesn’t make you sink anymore
- Fixed a bug where the M1911 in Tutorial would have 7/21 ammo instead of 7/0
- Fixed a bug where survivors were able to go prone below trees in Santa’s Village and Luton Parkway
- Fixed Juggernaut kevlar vest decoration to use the same vest as the Riot Zombies
- Slightly changed and optimized some areas in Luton Parkway
- Fixed menu character alignment on different aspect ratio displays
- Fixed a bug where bullets didn’t go through your teammates