This update features a brand new Sledgehammer melee, new Riot Police Helmet head armor, refreshing redesign of the Riot and Juggernaut Zombies and a ton of other new improvements and bugfixes. Enjoy and have fun!
What’s new in 1.74?
- New Melee weapon added – Sledgehammer
- Slow-hitting melee capable of completely destroying Riot Zombie and Juggernaut shields when hitting with right click.
- New Head Armor added - Riot Police Helmet
- Offers 200HP of head armor points, whilst darkening the wearer’s screen.
Riot Zombies and Juggernauts now have a brand new design!
- Every single element of the Riot Zombie & Juggernaut design has been remade and improved.
- Their shields have “POLICE” text on them that changes based on the language of the player and the location of the map they’re playing on.
- New damage effects and animations have been added for when a Riot Shield is damaged or broken
- Baton attack animation has been updated
- When hitting Riot Zombies & Juggernauts with melees, all the damage now goes to Riot Shields until they’re broken, and whilst their shield is intact, Riot Zombies & Juggernauts gain melee immunity.
- Added a 0.6 second delay and sound cues for others to the Air Rush Explosion ability for Jetpack Zombies.
- Rebalanced Icicle:
- Damage: 100 → 220
- Charge damage: 200 → 300
- Fixed spawning of AI zombies to be more frequent on medium-sized servers, as well as in general.
- Made game code more compact, players should notice an increase in server performance.
- Fixed a bug where the leaderboard would not work sometimes.
- Fixed various annoying issues regarding equipping utilities.
- Decreased the amount of players needed for Juggernaut to spawn as a player from 6 players to 4 players.
- Made the explosion particle effects a bit more performant on lower end machines.
- Fixed a bug where the Stick Giftnade wouldn’t work on dummies in Shooting Range
- Added “Starting…” label when pressing play buttons on the Servers page.
- Fixed a bug where footsteps would sound while a player is dead.
- Fixed various combat related bugs