Dreahzy's Portfolio - UI/UX Designer

Current status



Last update: Sunday, 10 August 2023


Greetings! My name is Driezie, a 19-year-old based in The Netherlands. Since 2018, I have been passionately crafting UI designs for Roblox games. Specifically, I specialize in creating interfaces for groups that simulate airline and flight experiences. Over the years, I have developed a reputation for my exceptional work, and I have become a well-known figure in the Roblox community.

My portfolio includes a wide range of interfaces such as in-flight entertainment systems, self-check-ins, intro screens, and hub designs, among others. I take pride in creating visually appealing, user-friendly, and engaging interfaces that enhance the overall gaming experience. My attention to detail and creativity have enabled me to stand out among other developers.

As a result, I have caught the attention of many developers and players alike, and my designs have been well-received across multiple platforms. I am excited to continue my journey in UI design and contribute to the Roblox gaming community in meaningful ways.

Past Usernames:

  • @Dreahzy
  • @JustDe_vv
  • @DevRovious
  • @OfficialBigNoob


UI Showcases

Latest Commission:

UI Design for City Airways

Payments information:

  • UI Designs prices start at 25.000 Robux and can increase on the project!
  • For scripting the UI, the price might increase!
  • The Designer will be payed before handing over the product!

Contact Information:

For quick contact, please contact me using Twitter: DevvJust

My Roblox Profile
My Twitter Profile


Hello! What is your Discord Tag?

1 Like

My Discord username is: Dreahzy ッ#8476.

Hellohoi there! I must say JustDe_VV has done an awesome job on our GUI for Go-Karting Xteme! He delivered it within 24 hours, he’s amazing! :smiley:


I’ll be sure to hire you! Love your work you got a new fan.


This is like a website design and I absolutely love it! Keep up the good work!


Some more commissions:


Heyo, are you still for hire? You have friend requests off for your discord and your twitter dms are disabled.


Unfortunately my commissions were closed.

Please check my twitter whenever my commissions will be open again