DreyUpp Cafe | Training Guide


DreyUpp Cafe | Training Guide :coffee:

This training guide is for Corporate Team use only, and shall not be issued otherwise.

Staff Positions and Permitted Roles

Senior Leadership (MR) :coffee:
Supervisor - Spectate only (to gain experience)
Assistant Manager - Training Assistant, Spectator
Cafe Manager - Trainer, Training Assistant, Spectator (must be supervised when training)

Corporate Team (HR) :coffee:
Corporate Intern - Host, Co-Host, Trainer, Training Assistant
Executive Assistant - Host, Co-Host, Trainer, Training Assistant
Board of Directors - Host, Co-Host, Trainer, Training Assistant

Senior Corporate Team (SHR) :coffee:
All C-Suite Executives - Ranker, Host, Co-Host, Trainer, Training Assistant, Overseer

Role Explanations

Spectator: Staff member attending the training with the sole purpose of gaining experience from watching other staff. They are not to disrupt the training or they will lose their spectating privileges.

Training Assistant: Staff member helping the trainers keep a log of points and helping trainees understand their tasks.They are expected to answer PTS questions.

Trainer: Staff member required to host the training portion by following this guide to ensure the LRs are trained correctly. They are expected to answer PTS questions.

Co host: Staff member assisting the host by giving out roles to staff that are attending. They oversee the training alongside the host.

Host: Staff member that begins the session by handing out roles to staff and instructing them of their responsibilities. They ensure the training runs smoothly by enforcing staff to follow rules and the guide.

Overseer: Staff member attending the training that has the choice of whether to observe or assist.

Ranker: Staff member ranking the attendees once they have passed the training. They do not have to attend the first half of the training but must be present once trainees are in groups.

Host/Co-Host Guide

Before the training is conducted, the host must be familiar with the guide and understand how to properly host the training session.

The co-host is required to ensure that all staff are in the correct groups and that their assigned roles are correct.

Training Notes

  • Do not start until all staff are present, in their assigned groups, and have the correct roles.

  • PTS should stay enabled until you begin.

  • While wording does not need to be exact, proper grammar and punctuation must be used and the same point must be made.

Start of Training

Host: - :m Hello everyone, I am your host (USER)!

Co host - :m Hi, I am your Co-Host (USER)! I will be assisting the host with this training today.

Host - :m Before we begin this training, I will be stating some rules that must be followed for this entire training session.

Host - :m Failure to comply with the rules will result in removal from the training session.

Host - :m Please ensure that you are listening to the training staff at all times, failure to listen will also result in removal

Host - :m If you unfortunately fail the session, don’t disrupt others. There is always another chance!

Host - :m Now it’s time to tune in. Please watch the following slides carefully.

Trainer Guide

Trainers must follow this guide, failure to do so will result in punishment

Trainer - Welcome to this DreyUpp Cafe training session. I am (USER) and I will be training you today.

Trainer - Say Hi to my assistants (USER(s)) whenever you have a chance!

Trainer - Before we start, allow me to explain the previously stated sections of the training in more depth.

Trainer - The first part of your training will be practicing greetings with either myself or my assistants to ensure you have a good one down!

Trainer - The second part, which is often everyone’s favourite, is the ordering stage. You will be given multiple orders to complete.

Trainer - The final part will consist of a trivia, where you’ll receive a PM with a question.

Trainer - Please keep in mind that you are required to get at LEAST the amount of points necessary for your rank

Trainer - Any questions before we begin?

Trainer - Your greetings should look something like the following, feel free to spice it up or add emojis!

Trainer - Welcome to DreyUpp Cafe, I’m (USER) and I’ll be serving you today! What could I get for you?

Test everyone’s greetings by going up to them and saying ‘please state your greeting’.
Ensure there is correct grammar and capitalisation.
All greetings should include a welcome, the cafe name, the user’s name, and asking what they should order.

Trainer - Let’s move on to the ordering section of the training. Either myself or a training assistant will place an order with you.

Trainer - For each order you get correct, you will receive one point.

Give each person 3 different orders and award points for each correct one. Orders should increase in difficulty. For instance, the first order should be one simple item, while the next may have 2 items!

Can ask for Coffee, Milk, Any juice drinks, and tea.

To view what your trainees have use :viewtools (user) after each order

To give points run !ap (user)

Trainer - Let’s move onto the final part of the training, the trivia!

Trainer - Keep an eye out for a PN from me with a question.

Trainer - Each correct answer will reward one point.

Questions you can ask - Max of 2 questions per trainee.

Award a point for each correct question.

Trainer - Before we conclude let’s go over what we’ve learnt.

Trainer - Always use proper greetings when a customer comes up to you. Your greeting should include a welcome, the cafe name, your nickname/user, and asking what they’d like to order.

Trainer - Please keep in mind that we value proper grammar and sentence structure.

Trainer - In the real cafe setting you can either choose to be a cashier or chef. You can only do one of these at a time.

Trainer - Either way same expectations are held of you.

Trainer - It’s common for trollers and exploiters to join cafe gamers, however it’s important for us to deal with it accordingly.

Trainer - If you spot someone trolling you may give them one warning before escalating the situation to an HR.

Trainer - If you notice someone exploiting, no warning is necessary.

Once the training is complete, make sure you pass your attendees that have 3+ points. You can pass your attendees by saying !Pass (User) or using !pg (USER) and pressing pass. Then wait for the ranker to come around and rank them.

Ranker Guide

As a ranker, you must rank all attendees that pass their training.

Once passers are brought to you, simply inform them the following: “Congratulations on Passing your training! Please wait whilst I promote you.”

Use the /promote function in the communications server to promote attendees.

Once ranked, continue with the following:

“You have now been ranked, well done and good luck at the cafe!”

Then run the following:

/e :Kick (USER) Congratulations, you have been ranked. Good luck at the cafe!

Imporant Notes:

Command Usage - For Hosts:
:Host (User) - Makes you the host for the training
:Cohost (User) - Makes a user the co-host for the training
:sort - Sorts trainees into teams that have trainers. (Trainers must be teamed first using the correct commands.)

Trainers and Assistant Assignments - For Hosts:
:Trainera (User) - Assigns a trainer to the A team
:Trainerb (User) - Assigns a trainer to the B team
Trainerc (User) - Assigns a trainer to the C team
:Trainerd (User) - Assigns a trainer to the D team

:Assistanta - Assigns an assistant to the A team
:Assistantb - Assigns an assistant to the B team
:Assistantc - Assigns an assistant to the C team
:Assistantd - Assigns an assistant to the D team

:Specatator (user) - Allows a user to spectate the training.

Commands for Hosts and Trainers
!pg (User) - Opens the point page for attendees
!ap (User) - Awards an attendee a point
!rp (User) - Removes an attendee’s point
!gs (User) - Gives an attendee a strike
!rgs (User) - Removes an attendee’s strike.
!pass (User) - Marks a trainee as Passed
!rpass (User) - Removes a pass status from a trainee.
!Fail (User) - Fails a trainee and removes them from the server.

Warm Regards

DreyUpp Senior Corporate Team :coffee: