DreyUpp | Shift Guide


DreyUpp | Shift Guide :coffee:

Here at DreyUpp all HR’s have the option to host shifts. Only the Senior Corporate Operations team have access to ranking privileges. As a result of this HR’s must have a ranker available to rank their attendees during their shift.
If a ranker is unavailable during your shift you can put your promotions from the shift in the HR Promotion requests channel and the Senior Corporate Team will promote those individuals when they are available.

Shifts offer opportunities for Junior Baristas, Baristas and Senior Baristas to receive a promotion for working hard at the cafe.

  • Shifts are also a time for guests to visit the cafe and receive an enjoyable experience.
  • Shift hosts are responsible of ensuring the shift is successful by supervising the cafe, ensuring baristas have good greetings at hand and recognising a high standard of performance by promoting individuals who excel our standards.

Promotions at Shifts

During a shift at the cafe the host is permitted to promote Junior Baristas, Baristas, Senior Baristas, Store Interns, Assistant Supervisors, Supervisors and Assistant Managers.

Whilst a shift is taking place the shift host should consider the following:

  • Staff members who follow the host around during a shift or hint at promotions should not be considered for promotions during shifts.
  • Requirements for MRs seeking promotions are the following: Must show respect, hard work, excellent grammar and must have unique greetings.
  • The Host of the shift should strive to attend to different sections of the cafe during a shift.
  • The host also has the option to approach player and order items to engage and evaluate performance.

If a player meets the previous requirements the host may promote them to the next rank above.

When conducting promotions during a shift they must be done professionally. The host must directly approach the staff member in question and congratulate them. Please refrain from joking around when giving out promotions and be direct.
The host should then ensure the ranker promotes said individual or insert the promotion request in the HR logs.

Please note when hosting there can be a maximum of 3 player promotions per shift.
Promotions are to be seen as an incentive and the host reserves the right not to promote anyone if no staff members are performing to high standards or meeting their expectations.
There should also only be one host during the shift, no assistants or co-hosts should be present.

Please Note

  • Before a HR decides to host a shift they should ensure they have a stable connection and make sure they can be in game for a minimum of 30 Minutes. If a host cannot stay for the entire duration of the shift they should refrain from hosting.
  • HR’s who leave a shift after promoting players will face consequences, the host should be present until he full shift time is complete.

Warm Regards
DreyUpp Senior Corporate Team

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