Trying to make a roblox cafe drink dispenser with a screen attached. Where when a tool touches it, it updates the tools attributes and some objects inside of the tool.
Script isn’t working at all, I’ve tried using print statements to see where it breaks but none of them printed.
local Effect = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild('Effect')
local Pour = Effect.Liquid
local CircleFill = script.Parent.Parent.Screen.DrinkSelection.CircleFillTransition
if Part.Parent.ClassName == "Tool" and Part.Parent.Name == "Small" then
local Drink = script.Parent.Parent.Screen.DrinkSelection.GetDrink:Invoke()
if not Drink then return end
CircleFill:TweenSize(,0,5,0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, 0.3, false)
Pour.Color = Drink.Color
Pour.Enabled = true
task.wait(script.Parent.Drink.TimeLength) -- past here tool changes are made
Part.Parent.Name = Drink.Name
Part.Parent:SetAttribute("DrinkColor", Drink.Color)
Part.Parent:SetAttribute("DrinkName", Drink.Name)
Part.Parent:SetAttribute("has_Drink", true)
Part.Parent.Liquid.Color = Drink.Color
Part.Parent.Liquid.Transparency = 0.65
Pour.Enabled = false
CircleFill:TweenSize(,0,0,0), Enum.EasingDirection.In, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, 0.3, false)