What Do I Do With This Guide?
This training guide consists of:
- Ranks that can train and host
- Information that helps everyone prepare for a training session
The ranks that can host training sessions are:
- General Manager
- Board of Directors
- Management Team
- Corporate Officers
- Chairman
- Founder
If you are not any of the ranks above, you cannot host a training session.
Now, you need to announce your session on both Discord and Trello. If you do not have access to Trello, you need to sign up and ask a staff member for the link. If you do not have our Discord, it is located on our group page. You cannot host if you do not have access to Discord.
You can ask a rank higher than you for help on how to add your session on the Trello page.
After 30 minutes, you must lock the server and begin training.
You can lock the server using, “:slock”.
Now you can begin hosting.
You can announce using “m (your message)”
[Training Rules]
1: You must listen to all rules assigned to you by your hosts and trainers.
2: Be respectful to everyone of all ranks.
3: Grammar is required both in and out this training session. If you fail to complete this, you will fail.
4: You may only speak once a trainer is ready to train you.
m Please wait patiently while the trainer picks 1-3 trainees to train.
m You can chat with the people around you but you cannot start chaos.
m If you have any questions or concerns, please say, “PTS.”
The ranks that can train in a training session are:
- Head Barista
- Assistant Manager
- General Manager
- Board of Directors
- Management Team
- Corporate Officers
- Chairman
- Founder
If your rank is not here, you cannot train.
You must report to the doorways and use the command, “:to me” in order to get inside.
Bring 3 trainees from your group. It can be from A-D, if you do not know your group, look at the side and it will say “Trainer A,” “Trainer B,” etc.
You must introduce yourself.
[Drink-Making Section]
In this section, trainees must make a drink using our recipe guide at: Drinker Recipe Guide
You must explain to the trainee(s) that you have to grab a cup with 3 sizes, small, medium, and large.
For example:
**In order to make a drink, you have to grab the cup size the customer wants, and proceed to use the correct ingredients for the drink.”
The recipe guide is located in the training guide.
Recipe Guide: Drinker Recipe Guide
The trainer can pick 3 random drinks from the guide and the trainee has to give the drink using the Hand-to GUI.
“May you please make me a small green tea?”
“May you make me a medium americano?”
“May you please make me a large decaf?”
Written by BLUEGL0SS
Edited by Potatomad123