This is the merged version of all important information for Drinker.
“We take pride in our cafe.”
Our goal is to make our customers be satisfied with the services we provide in the cafe. We also tend to focus on improving our cafe with newer technologies so that our service’s experience can be increased.
Frequently-Asked Questions(FAQ)
Q: When was Drinker founded?
A: Drinker was founded on 13th of April 2018.
Q: Why was Drinker created?
A: Drinker was created by the Chairman as he’s usually bored and has nothing to do most of the time. So he wanted to spend his time in a group. Therefore, in the end, Drinker was created.
Q: Why was this group named as “Drinker”?
A: This group was named as “Drinker” as our cafe mostly sell drinks than the other food.
Q: What are the goal(s) for Drinker?
A: Since the start of the operations, Drinker has planned to aim to be a cafe-industry group that has many different kinds of technology machines and an excellent community.
Ranks Information
Awaiting Verificationr
This is a rank where you’ll get once you join the group. Usually, a General Manager+ will verify this person.
Valued Customer
You will receive this rank once you’ve gone through your verification process.
This is a rank for all those naughty abusers/ rules breakers.
Awaiting Training
A rank where you will get when you passed your application for a job.
A junior member of the staff team which works at the cafe to serve our dear customers with our freshest drinks.
Senior Barista
A senior member of the staff team and is the same as Barista but this rank can assist the other Barista(s).
A professional member in performing at jobs. Have been hard-working to achieve this rank and can assist the lower ranks.
You will be watched by the Management Team and if you passed your internship, you’ll be ranked to the following departments
A junior member of the High Ranks Team and leads the lower ranks as a leader. Moderates the cafe.
Training/ Interviewing Team
A junior member of the High Ranks Team and trains the trainees to become a certified worker. Interviews customer for a job opportunity to work at Drinker as well
Shift Manager
A member of the High Ranks Team and is in-charge of all shifts in Drinker. Leads the Supervisor team and help them when needed.
General Manager
A member of the High Ranks Team and is in-charge of the Supervisors and Training/ Interviewing Team.
Board of Directors
A senior member of the High Ranks Team. If anything occurs in the cafe that can’t be controlled by this rank, this rank will contact the Management Team about it. Reads applications and verifies people.
A member of the Management Team and oversees the whole group to see if everything is working properly. In-charge of the cafe and leads the High Ranks Team. Also ranks people if they are performing well with values such as activity, dedication and leadership skills.
Corporate Officer
A member of the Senior High-Rank teams. This rank is split into different officers. Such as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operations Manager, Chief Communications Officer and Chief Administration Officer.
Takes over the Chairman position when he’s absent. Also does developments.
In-charge of everything that is happening in the group.
Staff Rules
- Any form of being disrespectful to a High Rank will and can result in a demotion.
- Any form of showing immaturity to one will result in a light warning.
- Any form of threatening others will result in a demotion.
- If you’re caught harassing someone, you’ll be demoted.
- Any form of admin abusing will result in a suspension. Depends on the situation, if it’s worst, you will be demoted.
- Any form of advertisement through group/ discord server will result in a warning first. If the situation persists, a demotion letter will be handed to you.
- Any form of breaking Drinker Discord Server rules will result in you having a lower chance for promotion.
- Showing signs of you committing suicide or any attempts will result in an immediate ban swing on you.
- Not using grammar or punctuations will result in a lower chance of promotion and can result in a warning.
Group Link: Drinker V2 - Roblox