DroidProg Portfolio | Scripter FOR HIRE! [affordable]

DroidProg - Scripting and Advertising Services

Hello! My name is DroidProg, and I am a scripter on Roblox with 3+ years of scripting. After years of developing my own projects, I wanted to get into the commission scene and get compensated for contributing towards games made by members of the Roblox community.

Here are the works I have completed for commissions:

Works Completed

ADVANCED BATTLEGROUNDS-STYLE DASH SYSTEM (with vfx and single-key toggle)

  • for MARVEL MAYHEM (600 members on their Discord server)

ADVANCED DATASTORE METHODS (card/Madden-style data storage)

  • complex data storage systems complete with data save & encryption


  • using a guide provided by customer, I added my own creative spin towards a DistanceFade style barrier for their game’s map


  • Implemented a custom round and map selection system within clients created lobby and map(s) (video is a condensed version)


  • I’ve created (but not released yet due to client’s choice) short-form video advertisements for clients’ games. My Youtube channel has 2.4K subscribers and 1.2 million short-form views; the channel’s name is also DroidProg

I am available from 5PM - 9PM MST on weekdays (subject to change) but always available from roughly 10AM - 9PM MST on weekends.

I accept Robux (only, unfortunately) as payment for my work. Prices are typically decided after the client gives me an overview of the jobs they need completed.
Jobs (usually, can be negotiated) start at 400 Robux, and go up to 1k Robux (typically my upper limit)
Advertisements are usually 200-500 Robux
I WILL NOT hound you for your Robux, I am a scripter looking for experience and work, and am not money oriented. I will try my best to work within a price you are comfortable with that is within your budget and pay range.

My preferred method of contact is on Discord (user → droidprog.) don’t forget the period at the end.
However, you can also contact me on the DevForum under this user.

Thank you for showing an interest in my portfolio, and I’m looking forward to working with you!

Terms of Service
  • I reserve the right to deny orders
  • I require a 10% upfront payment
  • Remaining payment should follow promptly after I finish work
  • All work I complete within your game is to be considered my property until your payment has been fulfilled, unless deemed otherwise by myself
  • All work I complete can be added to this portfolio

(portfolio design inspired by @coldcities)


I believe this belongs to Portfolios - Developer Forum | Roblox

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fixed, thank you for letting me know