What are you attempting to achieve? I am looking to try and fix all this random lag that only happens when looking in specific parts of the map - the StreamingEnabled doesnt stream out parts of the map that is far away which I beleive is the issue
What is the issue? Drop of FPS and high rendering when facing parts of the map
What solutions have you tried so far? I have used multiple DevFourm topics to help as well as Youtube Tutorials - other games were having the same issue as me, with a streaming issue on Roblox’s end - I do not know if this is still ongoing as it has been a few weeks since then.
It looks like it’s because you are looking at a lot of trees when the issue happens.
Are they Part based or MeshParts?
If they’re Parts how many parts per tree?
If they’re MeshParts how many tris per tree?
How many trees are there? If you have too many Parts or tris in MeshParts of course it’ll lag.
Are the trees all grouped into 1 model? This may be the issue. StreamingEnabled will work on Models, but not the individual items in the Model. If the closest part of the Model is within the StreamingEnabled minimum distance it shows the entire Model.
Hi, yes I am aware of meshes causing lag, however this does happen in other parts of the map too where trees are not present, but they may have something to do with it. There are 2 meshes per tree (trunk and leaves). The trees are not modeled together, they are all individual models containing 2 meshes each.
Model > MeshPart > SurfaceAppearance. There are ‘1049’ trees in the game, multiplied by 2 results in around 2,100 meshes… so yes this might be the issue.
What are some alternatives to using these trees? Thanks for replying!
It looks like there’s a lot of tris (triangular faces) in each tree (both meshes included).
Less tris = less work for your graphics card to render.
Think of it this way, each Part has 12 tris, and if you put enough of them in one place it causes lag in your graphics card.
So if each tree is a Model in the Workspace (not Models in another Model or Folder) Streaming should be cutting out the ones that are farther than your minimum distance level. Try playing with the MinRadius and TargetRadius values to see if it helps. I don’t think you can change the values while testing, you have to change them in Studio and then Test/Play to see how it looks.
Your issue is what your loading in all at the same time, also those trees don’t look performance friendly, But I’m pretty sure you don’t need 1049 trees too fill it in, you could use images for the trees near the back where the player cant see and it will produce a similar effect, but you might want to try a script that will load in the inside of a building when you get near the door, but not outside to reduce lag. You could also be using a lot of unions, which don’t render well and are very buggy. But too be honest Its probably the trees. Try images to fill in the forest.
Thanks for your help regarding that, the issue now is though, the map that I have already been to doesnt load out when I drive around with StreamingEnabled. Is this normal - do I need a script to make this happen? I noticed this also causes lag, especially when heading back in the direction I have been to.
Everything is fine, 60 capped fps, but once the map has loaded in and I have driven around all of it, it stays loaded in and produces more lag when I go back to it for the second time.
well meshes are going to be better than unions, but how much meshes are inside the models for the bushes and how many textures, that can slow down performance.
If your computer can handle having all the items loaded in they will stay there and not stream out.
The issue is that your computer can handle loading them all in, but it’s lagging when rendering that many trees.
Again, you have to tell us for us to be able to help you:
How many tris in each tree model including both meshes?
Sadly, I am unable to know many tris are in each tree as they were imported from toolbox temporarily as space fillers but were kept - i would estimate quite a high number, though.
your best bet is to make your own trees on blender, which might be hard, but try and use minimal tris, if you cant do that, just find a different model., i mean you could also use parts but im not sure it fits your game style
I have been thinking about parts - if I were to create trees using parts, they would have more parts than the original amount of meshes I had - would this cause issues too or would this cause less lag?
yes, they would have more parts then the meshes, but they would likely render better, and unions arent very safe but i think it COULD work with the trees, wouldnt risk it tho and tbh you should just minimize the forest
You could export the meshes from your workspace into blender just to check the number of tris and go from there.
As far as using Parts for trees and trying to recreate the level of detail in the Mesh trees you’d likely have just as many lag issues.
I’d go with @assault’s suggestion and make your own mesh trees.
Try to make them with the least number of tris that you are comfortable with.
The other alternative would be to make some more detailed meshes for the foreground trees that a player might interact with, and make some much simpler mesh trees for ones that would mostly be in the distance.
Thanks for you and @ReafCruz for assisting me with this - I have removed most trees from the game and unrequired meshes and it runs much better. I will work towards creating optimised meshes within Blender for the game - thanks!