Drop shadow plugin [FREE]

Capture d’écran 2024-11-26 213841

I was doing some GUIS and realized how annoying it was to add drop shadows so I decided to make this plugin and upload it for the community for free!

Drop shadow plugin by LucieKitsune

Showcase :

Features :

  • Customize X and Y offset (Use scale)
  • Customize Color (Use HEX colors)
  • Customize Drop Shadow Transparency
  • Should work on every GUI elements

How to use :

  1. Select any GUI elements u want to apply shadow on (Can select multiple)

  2. Click “Apply” (If you haven’t set any settings it will be default one)

  3. Click “Reset” if you want to reset settings to default values

Code is not obfuscated! (If you want to modify anything do it freely)

Download Here

Credits to @ABDULGHANI1010 for the UI and Icon!

(please note this is my first plugin I ever made)


I’m not really a GUI artist so bear with me :sob:

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Hey @LifeFirexy !

Thank you so much for this
Funnily enough just a few hours ago as I was working on a dialogue system, and I was wondering why this wasn’t a thing on roblox yet… I guess my prayers were answered

now I don’t have to spend unnecessary minutes doing it myself!
very convenient indeed.


hi @62qx,
You’re welcome, I knew some people would need something like that, please let me know if you encounter any bugs or issues!

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epic plugin! one question; why use hex colors instead of RGB?
Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)

you can split it like this:

local recieved_string = "255, 255, 255"

local split = string.split(recieved_string, ",")
if #split < 3 or #split > 3 then

print(split) -- {"255", " 255", " 255"}

for _, element in split do
    local new_element = string.gsub(element, " ", "") -- removes the extra spaces
    local element_index = table.find(split, element)
    table.remove(split, element_index)
    table.insert(split, element_index, new_element)

print(split) -- {"255", "255", "255"}
print(Color3.fromRGB(table.unpack(split))) -- 1, 1, 1 (aka 255, 255, 255)

other than that, great plugin :+1:

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It was easier for me to use HEX but that work aswell, possibly in the future I could implement both rgb and hex :smirk_cat:

Why was hello pookies an example :sob:
Seems like a great plugin that will save time for people… maybe even me hehehehehe >:)

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DropShadow.rbxmx (40.7 KB)

Reworked the UI, looks wayy better now

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Could you show some screenshots? thanks.

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New Icon

UiShadowIcon (1)

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Great job, i think the green on the apply button could be a little darker as i can’t see the text too well tho

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Am I allowed to use this GUI instead and i’ll update the plugin?

Yeah, you can change the icon or Ui too if you want

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Amazing, thank you very much for the contribution :pray: