Dropdown Button With No Choices In Translator Portal

Reproduction Steps

1. Navigate to the translator portal (https://create.roblox.com/translator-portal).

  1. Move your cursor over the top right corner of an experience icon.

  2. There will be three dots which you can click on - the dropdown button. Clicking on it opens a small, blank UI, which offers 1 choice with no text. This applies to both experiences owned and not owned by you.

Expected Behavior

This is ambiguous.

I can only assume that either:

  1. There shouldn’t be a dropdown button at all.

  2. There should be a dropdown button with choices, similar to the dropdown button of a creation at: create.roblox.com/creations

On a side note, the ability to permanently remove yourself from the translators list of an experience would be useful (so that I wouldn’t have to see an experience listed on my translator portal anymore). I would also enjoy hiding/unhiding experiences to translate. If these choices were offered, I would love it.

Actual Behavior

Interacting with the dropdown button makes a small, blank UI with 1 textless choice visible .

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/translator-portal
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-09-03 00:09:00 (+03:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-09-03 00:09:00 (+03:00)


I can reproduce, though I have no idea why I see lots of random games in my translator portal:


I can confirm that I’ve been experiencing this exact bug for many months more than this, didn’t report sooner because it’s such a minor thing and I assumed it was related to me having a handful of user styles and an ad blocker.

Clicking the blank button does nothing (or at least doesn’t seem to be doing anything), so it’s not like it’s just not displaying anything on a working button.

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We’re investigating the issue, thanks for your report!


This bug should be fixed - the dropdown button should no longer be visible on the Translator Portal. Can you please refresh your page and see if this issue is resolved for you? Thanks!