Dropping an item while moving leads to item pushing player

  1. The video below shows me picking up a blue cube, then I hold the blue cube, then I drop the blue cube in front of myself while not moving and everything works fine. However when I start moving and then drop the blue cube and then stop moving, the blue cube starts pushing me. I came here for help on why this happens and solutions.
    NOTE: Problem is fixed if I set the drop distance to a higher value. However then the drop distance feels awkwardly far away.

  1. A solution I’ve tried: I figured the blue cube’s momentum had something to do with the issue because when I turn my camera rapidly while jumping and then drop it the blue cube flings away. I found this post: Instantly terminate a player's momentum
    I used the code below to reset the cube’s momentum and it did work, no more flinging when spinning and jumping, however the issue was still not solved.
     requestmodel.model.PrimaryPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity=Vector3.new(0,0,0) -- requestmodel.model refers to the blue cube.