Duck Fight Updates
Update v1.50
Update v1.50
New areas:
New weapons:
- Located on the ruined island
- Deals 5 base damage per hit
- Deals 50 damage overall for 10 seconds with it’s main attack: Decay
- Ducks decaying will also cause nearby ducks to decay
Decay Orb
- Located on a pillar
- Deals 35 damage overall to nearby targets overall when activated
- Located on the regular looking island
- Heals the duck hit by the sword by 10 health points
Ice Staff
- Located at the top of the ice temple
- Shoots an ice ball and explodes on impact, temporarily freezing the target for 3 seconds
- Deals 35 base damage
New Tools
Tools have been introduced to Duck Fight!Grappling Hook
Price: 2,500 Seeds
- Lets you grapple onto any surface within a 100 stud radius
Gromit Mug
Price: 500 Seeds
- Gromit Mug
- Gromit Mug
- Gets you all the ducks
New Ducks
Coffee Duck
Price: 125 Seeds
Astronaut Duck
Price: 390 Seeds
Sk8r Duck
Price: 445 Seeds
Clown Duck
Price: 665 Seeds
Radioactive Duck
Price: 30 Oats
Other Changes
Daily Login Rewards
7 Day Streaks
- Day 1: 25 Seeds
- Day 2: 30 Seeds
- Day 3: 50 Seeds
- Day 4: 75 Seeds
- Day 5: 100 Seeds
- Day 6: 150 Seeds
- Day 7: 10 Oats
Jerry the Cow
Update v1.60: HECK & TRANQUIL
Update v1.60
Update 1.60 brings a lot to the game, including the Hallowe'en event for 2021. Let's get into it!
New areas:
How to enter Heck:
Stand on the Pentagram and quack. You shall be transported after a few seconds.
How to leave Heck:
Stand in front of the duck statue with the white glowing eyes and quack.
How to enter Tranquil:
Stand in front of the duck statue, between the pumpkins, and quack. You’ll be transported immediately.
New weapons:
Axe of Heck
- Located in Heck, obviously
- Deals a base damage of 5 with an increment of 15
- The less health the wielder has, the more powerful the weapon becomes
- Damage is calculated as such: 5 + (15 * ((Player’s Maximum Health / Player’s Current Health) - 1))
- Deals only 10 damage per hit if target is wielding a “Demon Hunter”
- Deals 5 damage to the wielder per successful kill
Demon Hunter
- Located in Tranquil
- Deals a base damage of 35 per hit
- Deals 105 damage per hit if the target is wielding an “Axe of Heck”
New features:

Accessories are now in duck fight! Due to limitations in how the game handles players, this feature is game-pass only and will only allow up to one accessory at a time. On the other hand, they stack with almost every duck skin! I will be adding more over time. Purchasing the game-pass will unlock every accessory, no extra purchases required!
Most of duck fight’s weapons are now able to be purchased with seeds and oats. They will stay in your inventory until you leave the server. This is intentional.
The Stormbringer has been nerfed. Instead of dealing 200 damage, it now deals 150. Players with body armour will no longer be killed instantly. Missing an attack still kills you, as intended.
Increases a player’s health regeneration by about 25%. This cannot be used if you have Degeneration.
Slows a player’s health regeneration by about 50%. This cannot be used if you have Regeneration. Intended to be used with the Axe of Heck to keep your damage output for longer.
The entire map has been decorated for Hallowe'en. The old Hallowe'en skins from last year have returned, plus a couple of new ones. I'm not going to list them here.Minigames
Duck Fight Minigames has been closed to the public. It will be replaced with a new game, Duck Minigames, once it has finished development. This is because the Minigames in Duck Fight are extremely buggy and the rounds tend to break frequently.Daily Login Rewards
7 additional days have been added, making the total up to 14 days.- Day 8: 200 Seeds
- Day 9: 250 Seeds
- Day 10: 275 Seeds
- Day 11: 300 Seeds
- Day 12: 400 Seeds
- Day 13: 500 Seeds
- Day 14: 25 Oats