| duck game | opensource collector game |

I created this game for my portfolio a while ago, it is 100% open source.

Screenshots & Footage:

Duckex/Inventory is sorted by least rare on top and most on bottom.


  • Reuploading the game is NOT allowed.
  • Using parts of the game including IS allowed.
  • Reselling this game is NOT allowed.
  • Claiming this game as your own is NOT allowed.
  • If I find that these are broken I will take the game down.


  • iconfinder: Shop Icon
  • ProfileService

The game looks really well made, similair to balls.exe or something like that


Can you just take a game down?


The MIT license and your “extra regulations” are completely contradictory.


I can contact Roblox support to take down a game if it infringes upon my copyright.

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You’ve told people in one part of the thread they are allowed to reupload and resell this. In another part, you’ve told people they can’t do that. Right now, the terms of use are not logically coherent (which is what @OneEDM is telling you). If you are insistent on these terms, then the MIT license is probably not for you.

This is already in a gray area, because as the software has been released (under an MIT license, even with these extra restrictions) there’s plenty of ambiguity for anyone to argue (even if the license is changed later on, since they would have downloaded under the currently included MIT license) that they acted in good faith under the terms of the license and the regular treatment of MIT licensed software, which might avert any attempted takedown. That’s not a legal argument, but it’s an example of one (of many) objections anyone might be able to make to attempted enforcement, because of the way this thread is worded. The user is not obliged to opt towards the most restrictive interpretation of contradictory terms.


Apologies, I was meaning to add to the MIT license. I will fix this.

What the duck! I played it and quacked a lot! Thanks for sharing!


made a goofy game concept from this for fun, very cool idea Silly Collector Simulator - Roblox


Do you know how copyright works? Is this registered or does it fall under permissible legal action by DMCA? Your terms are contradicting and seemingly misleading which is not a good look for wanting to have people use your resource/product.

Licenses exist for making it easy to know the terms of something at a glance, “adapting” a well known license removes that ease of use. Do not modify licenses if you’re going to heavily change them: especially if you’re saying MIT but everything a MIT permits you don’t permit, that’s not coherent at all.

I would recommend either making your own license, truly adopting MIT, or finding out a different license. For your needs, I would recommend EPL-2.0 (Eclipse Public License v2.0).

Thanks for your advice, my goal was to purely regulate usage and avoid copies or people selling parts of the game.

I apologize for any confusion I may have caused, I will try to improve my phrasing.