Dummy won't disappear on touch?

The script is supposed to clone a dummy and whenever the dummy hits a part, it gets destroyed.

the cloning part works but when it hits a part it doesnt disappear.


	local Dummy = game.ServerStorage.Dummy:Clone()
	Dummy.Parent = game.Workspace
	local NewConstraint = Instance.new("WeldConstraint")
	NewConstraint.Parent = game.Workspace.Claw.Holder
	NewConstraint.Part0 = game.Workspace.Claw.Holder
	NewConstraint.Part1 = Dummy.Head

// ignore the positoning
	Dummy.Head.Position = game.Workspace.Claw.DummyPos.Head.Position
	Dummy.HumanoidRootPart.Position = game.Workspace.Claw.DummyPos.HumanoidRootPart.Position
	Dummy["Left Arm"].Position = game.Workspace.Claw.DummyPos["Left Arm"].Position
	Dummy["Left Leg"].Position = game.Workspace.Claw.DummyPos["Left Leg"].Position
	Dummy["Right Arm"].Position = game.Workspace.Claw.DummyPos["Right Arm"].Position
	Dummy["Right Leg"].Position = game.Workspace.Claw.DummyPos["Right Leg"].Position
	Dummy.Torso.Position = game.Workspace.Claw.DummyPos.Torso.Position
	Dummy.leftArmWeld.Position = game.Workspace.Claw.DummyPos.leftArmWeld.Position
	Dummy.leftLegWeld.Position = game.Workspace.Claw.DummyPos.leftLegWeld.Position
	Dummy.rightArmWeld.Position = game.Workspace.Claw.DummyPos.rightArmWeld.Position
	Dummy.rightLegWeld.Position = game.Workspace.Claw.DummyPos.rightLegWeld.Position
	Dummy.torsoWeld.Position = game.Workspace.Claw.DummyPos.torsoWeld.Position

	if Dummy.Head.Position == game.Workspace.Claw.DummyPos.Head.Position then
		script.Parent.Enabled = false
		local touch = game.Workspace.Claw.ClawHelper
			if hit.Name == "Torso" then
				script.Parent.Enabled = true

why won’t the dummy get destroyed? any tips?

by the way, I get no errors nor does it print anything in the output.

Well, because first of all.

Because it is in an in statement. I assume it is not exactly alligned.

Another reason is, because only when the ClawHelper gets hit, I am not quite sure what this is. By a part with the name Torso it gets destroyed.

Could you please go a little more in depth about that? what part of the script do I need to change?

Well first of all.

Second of all

Lastly, I am not even quite sure what the ClawHelper is so I am not much use here.