DumpParser - A powerful parser for the Roblox API dump

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A powerful library for parsing the Roblox API dump.

:closed_book: Documentation

Documentation is available at https://cxmeel.github.io/dump-parser.

:rocket: Quick Start

DumpParser is available via Wally, GitHub and the Roblox Creator Marketplace.


Refer to the wally package entry for the latest version number.

# wally.toml

DumpParser = "csqrl/dump-parser@X.X.X"

Manual Installation

Grab a copy from the Roblox Creator Marketplace (Toolbox), or download the latest binary from the GitHub repo and drop it into Studio.

:keyboard: Basic Examples

Below is a small showcase of some of the basic features of DumpParser. Please refer to the docs for more information on the full API and all features available.

Create a new DumpParser

There are two methods to create a new DumpParser Instance. The first, and simplest, is to fetch the latest API dump (for your current Roblox version*) from Roblox’s servers.

*This means the API dump will always match your current version if you’re running a beta or outdated build of Studio, for example.

local DumpParser = require(path.to.DumpParser)
local Dump = DumpParser.fetchFromServer()
Promisified constructor

To work with DumpParser asynchronously, you could wrap fetchFromServer in a Promise:

local DumpParser = require(path.to.DumpParser)
local Promise = require(path.to.Promise)

local fetchDumpFromServer = Promise.promisify(DumpParser.fetchFromServer)

  -- do stuff with the Dump

You can also bring your own API dump. DumpParser expects you to have already JSON-decoded the data before supplying it to the constructor. DumpParser doesn’t care where or how you obtain the API dump, as long as it’s in the same format as the official API dump (for example, you might pull it from the Roblox-Client-Tracker repo).

local myDump = ... -- It doesn't matter how you obtain the dump
local Dump = DumpParser.new(myDump)

Get Properties of an Instance

Getting properties of an Instance is really simple! The result is a table of properties, where the key is the name of the property, and the value is the related metadata from the dump.

You might use this to store the properties in a table:

local myPart = workspace.Part

local partProperties = Dump:GetProperties(myPart)
local properties = {}

for propertyName in partProperties do
  properties[propertyName] = myPart[propertyName]

Alternatively, you can pull only the properties that have been modified from their default values:

local myPart = workspace.Part

local partProperties = Dump:GetChangedProperties(myPart)
local properties = {}

for propertyName in partProperties do
  properties[propertyName] = myPart[propertyName]

:muscle: Filters

DumpParser contains a powerful filters feature, which allows refining class and class member search results down to a specific criteria. Filters can be used almost anywhere throughout the DumpParser.

Please refer to the docs to see all the methods where filters can be used.

local services = Dump:GetClasses(Dump.Filter.Service)

This would result in a table where the key is the service name, and the value is the service metadata. This could also be flipped to exclude services:

local nonServices = Dump:GetClasses(

Filters can also be stacked to provide further refinement. For example, internally :GetProperties uses the following filters:

local properties = class:GetProperties(

Which returns all properties that are not deprecated, have no read/write security, and can be accessed by scripts. This could be further filtered by using Filter.Invert(Filter.ReadOnly) to exclude read-only properties.

By default, a class or member must match all filters in order to be included in the results; however, using Filter.Any combines filters so that classes/members only need to pass one of the filters to be included:

local properties = class:GetProperties(

This would return all properties who:

  • Are not deprecated
  • Have no read/write security
  • Are accessible to scripts
  • Are not read-only
  • Accepts a Color3 or BrickColor as its value

oh my god. We finally have a tool that can do this quickly.


This will help so much when making plugins! Thank you!

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Now my old project is back to business. Thanks

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