I’m wanting to make my own game, about just fighting enemies in randomly generated dungeons. It’s meant to be like cube cavern but different - Well thought through levels, lots of items and more. It’ll be fun and balanced while you play; enemies deal a balanced amount of damage, with common drops from them. The system I need help is, to make randomly generated dungeons like this.
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Just a little representation of what I mean. If anyone can help, contact me on discord: moe#5958. I’m not smart enough to code the dungeon thing itself, just some advanced things like admin, datastorage, user list and chat list. I won’t let anything make me stop making the project I want to try master and create - just like my mining game.
Hey, thank’s for responding! I just need to know how I can generate them in random sections. An explanation on how to generate these rooms and make them be enterable without their entrances or exits leading to just the void or wall this would be great if you can help me out. I’ll design some rooms for starters, then try what you say in the explanation, if you want to elaborate. Again, thanks for responding.