Hey, I have a dungeon generator that’s supposed to pick one of (currently) 2 levels to generate, each level is different in colour and props and stuff.
For some reason, the generator is mixing and mashing both of these levels, resulting in both levels being merged when they’re not supposed to be
local rooms = math.random(25,100)
local roomStorage = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("DungeonStuff"):WaitForChild("LEVELS")
local doorStorage = game.ServerStorage.DungeonStuff:WaitForChild("DOOR TYPES")
local levels = {}
for _, levelFolder in pairs(roomStorage:GetChildren()) do
table.insert(levels, levelFolder)
local roomsContainer = Instance.new("Folder")
roomsContainer.Name = "Dungeon"
roomsContainer.Parent = workspace
function createRoom(lastRoom)
local levelSelected = levels[math.random(1,#levels)]
local currentRooms = #roomsContainer:GetChildren()
print("Selected Level: " ..levelSelected.Name)
if currentRooms < rooms then
local numRooms = math.random(1, math.clamp(rooms - currentRooms, 1, 4))
local createdRooms = {}
-- Missing code
for i, createdRoom in pairs(createdRooms) do
local startRoom = levels[math.random(1, #levels)]:WaitForChild("EmptyRoom"):Clone()
startRoom.PrimaryPart = startRoom.Floor
startRoom:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-12.5, 0.5, -5.25))) -- Starting room's position
startRoom.Parent = roomsContainer
Any idea what could be causing the issue? I’d appreciate some help, thank you in advance
This probably doesn’t tackle any issues but I used to create random room generators before.
Here’s a sample code of what I did:
local x = 10 --amount of rooms in length
local y = 10 --amount of rooms in width
local roomsize = 10 --replace this with the room size, assuming it's a square
local CF = CFrame.new(0,0,0)
local Orig = CF
local function Create(Dim)
if Dim == 1 then
CF += CFrame.new(roomsize,0,0) --New room spawnpoint set
--Generate room and set the primarypartcframe to CF
CF = CFrame.new(Orig.X,0,CF.Y+roomsize) --New room spawnpoint set
--Generate room and set the primarypartcframe to CF
for i = 1, x do
Create(2) --The parameter doesn't really matter
for h = 1, y do
task.wait(0.1) --Lag prevention yay
Create(1) --Don't change this unless you change some stuff in the function as well
Hopefully I minimized the amount of typos and errors.
But this shouldn’t make rooms overlap and generates in a grid.
for i, createdRoom in pairs(createdRooms) do
This isn’t the issue though, disabling it only generates about 3 rooms and enabling it generates a normal amount of rooms. Regardless of whether this is enabled or not, it still mixes up the rooms
you’re picking a random level everytime you create a room which results in having randomized rooms when you create them, put it outside of the function and it’ll work
I tried this before and it wasn’t working, but I’ll try it again and fix up the code a bit accordingly
So it seems to sort of work now, the only issue now is the spawn room sometimes being from the wrong level. Level 2 would spawn and the spawn room would be from level 1, it doesn’t always happen though
If this isn’t fixed yet I got a fully functional and customizable infinite room generator you could pay me for; customizable stats are room size, position, starting/set rooms, chances of rooms that can be edited, whatever
I’ve never made a maze generator before, but I believe the only way to ensure that no rooms collide is by using non euclidean geometry. That means, hide rooms that are not touching the one you are in, so that paths can overlap with no issues.
This will need some extra logic to make sure the player doesn’t see the sky, and that the game knows what path they’re on. It may also need instructions on which walls on the room are open to spawn another room!
You could just make the rooms with each side having a boolean for “open” or “closed”, that is, if there are openings in the walls you can go through, and line them up accordingly; I did this but with doors, not open or closed walls
why would I pay for a resource that was offered to me in scripting support when I can ask for help in fixing some minor issues in my mostly completed code
The issue here is that every time you are creating an attached segment, you are generating a new random number for level, meaning that it will not be the same for each segment. You need to have a constant value outside of the function to fix this. (so it doesn’t change each time you add a segment)