Duplicated game results on Studio start page, and sometimes missing thumbnails

Start studio such that the My Games tab is the default tab selected (I think it remembers from previous launch).

Have enough games to be shown here that studio must presumably return 2 or more API pages of results. Note that I only seem to have two pages worth of results, not sure what happens if you have more.

The first page of results will be duplicated.

The rest of the results after that will be normal.

Also, occasionally the first time you start studio, this will populate the results with the duplicated first page, but all of the thumbnails for these two duplicated pages will be the default baseplate thumbnail. The second page of results will have correct thumbnails.

Found many of these in log for the missing thumbnails issue.

2024-01-08T01:20:25.129Z,6.129446,1ddc,6 [FLog::Error] Error: GameIconsStore::getGameIconsByGameId size mismatch: did not receive expected number of responses.


Expected behavior

No duplicates, correct thumbnails.


Can confirm that I had this bug a few months ago, but not anymore. It produces the list of games twice. Unsure if it stopped happening when changing any menus.