i want to know of a way i can resolve duplicated key bind shortcuts.
the issue is that duplicated key bind shortcuts.
- I’ve tried removing the code from it and after i made that change I saved it and then re-added it and saved it again. then i still got the same issue. I’ve also looked for solutions on the Developer Hub and found none.
here is the slice of code that makes it is triggering and getting its function from
local node_placer = toolbar:CreateButton("place node","","rbxassetid://9061325776")
node_placer.Click:Connect(function ()
if game.Selection:Get()[1] ~= nil then
local node_size = Vector3.new(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
local node_shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
local node_mat = Enum.Material.Neon
local node_color = BrickColor.Green()
local node_ancor = true
for ii,vv:Model in pairs(game.Selection:Get()) do
for i,v in pairs(vv:GetChildren()) do
local node = Instance.new("Part")
node.Name = v.Name .. "_" .. "node".. tostring(node_number)
node.Shape = node_shape
node.Size = node_size
node.Material = node_mat
node.BrickColor = node_color
node.Anchored = node_ancor
node.CFrame = v.CFrame
node.Parent = workspace.node_Folder
node_number = node_number + 1
elseif game.Selection:Get()[1] == nil then
print("curret node id value : ",node_number)
node_number = node_number + 1
print(" node id value is now : ",node_number)