Duplicated Parts not lining up

Hello all! I am trying to build a simple cube building, and ill try to duplicate a part, and resize/move it so its next to the other part, but it never seems to line up. This is making building impossible as parts arent lining up, meaning that the build doesnt look clean or professional. I have just tried doing the same thing with F3X, and that has no trouble keeping them lined up.

Here is an image of what it does:

Sometimes its only as small as this, but extremely irritating, and makes it look like I dont take any care in making my builds look perfect.

If anyone knows how to fix it, the that would be great :slight_smile:


You may want to look into ResizeAlign:


I already have it installed, just tested and it still leaves a little lip.

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Upon testing with F3X again, that has the same issue. I really dont know why this is happening, it only appears to have started recently. I make sure i duplicate and re-size the parts too, to ‘ensure’ that they line up perfectly (but that doesnt seem to work anymore either).

It seems like this is a common issue that users are having lately I would try doing a quick search to see if any existing threads have been created as this is a similar issue there was just one created just recently check this thread out: Also SBS is good with aligning parts together I’m sure F3X could resolve this issue but it won’t properly line up parts faster:

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I use buildV4 for things like that, its only an issue on straight walls. And I could negate a hole out of a straight wall for my doorways, but:

A) This would probably mess up the hitbox as unions dont play nicely
B) I cant ever resize it.

Its a really frustrating issue, and its only seemed to start happening recently. I just dont see why it cant drag/resize them on the same stud that the original block was on. Its illogical and mega annoying. I dont like using plugins for building generally, unless im doing something that isnt built in.

If anyone else has experienced a similar issue themselves and fixed it, how would you have done that? This still isnt fixed for me, but like mentioned, it never used to do it.

Probably because it’s a bit rotated or, has a really wired size value. I would suggest changing the increment for the movement to something like 0.125.

Model Tab > Move > 0.125

For this I drag the part away and drag it back onto the part. It usually fixes this bug, hopefully this helped ya out! :smiley:

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Yeah, I think that seems to work. Ive lowered it to 0.5 (it may just be a case of it playing nice for now), but I really appreciate that. Thanks for the help!

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That might work, yeah. But to be the most accurate, id have to have collisions on, and they are mega annoying most of the time. Thanks for your help!