Our team is bilingual into and they always wanted to put that into use and translate games. Even though we have experience in business translations and had translating lessons as a part of our personalized curriculum through my entire high school, I don’t have a lot of experience in that field.
Unlike most translators, we do tidying and double checking for free (we also offer that for free if you want me to check someone else’s translation).
Unsure what language(s) you want? We can help, for free!
If you’re interested in finding out statistics regarding your players we can help you get this data and make decisions with you regarding what choice would be most fit for your game. Making developers realize the significance of localization is important to us.
Other services
We also offer game title and description localization, proofreading, quality assurance and table formatting. We have no set rates for these services, as the amount of work often wildly varies.
If you don’t see something offered above, feel free to ask us anyways because we may be willing to help with that too.
Depends on the amount of job, can be negotiated.
Languages we offer:
English → Dutch
Dutch → English
Our Team:
Contact Information
Discord: Liscuate#9551
Super Moderator for the Unofficial Roblox Discord Server.
You can also DM me here since I check the Forums on a daily basis.