Dwiddle ~ Fatigue and Super Mario 64 Esk Movement Mechanics

I really took inspiriation from Super Mario 64’s slide mechanic when your running for a little bit then you decide to switch direction and your player slides, this happens on all four sides of your character;

Left, Right, Back, Front

Example :

I also decided to add a small fatigue esk system; in which basically if youve been running longer for 5 seconds; once you stop your character will act fatigued like in real life:D

Theres not really a stamina system in this game, so I thought making this would somewhat even out the odds for players chasing other players if the player being chases decides to stop moving!


Looks really great! It’s very inspiring to see the extra detail put into work.

I’d just like to point out one thing, it’s awkward to see the character slide because it has no legs. Maybe give it a different facial expression when sliding.


Jeez the animations look so clean! I love it!


When is the game coming out? Also it looks amazing

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Absolutely awesome, no doubt. You are very skilled, your work is admirable!!

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Honeslty Im not even sure yet because for survival games I could literally release it right now kinda; but Im waiting until I have everything at least in alpha stage before I get to actually releasing it of any sort; I will also update the game as much as I can with new updates and things like that; probably revamp the main menu cause its pretty plain too


Amazing work! Details like this are great at showing how much heart and soul went into the development of the game. Developers like you are the true reason I have continued my interest in Roblox development, it truly is inspiring what you guys do! Keep up the incredible work @IProgramForFun. :+1:

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Oo you’re back to it again. I saw your old post and this improved a lot.

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Looks great! but that skin kinda reminds me of hello kitty for some reason :sweat_smile:

YEAH LOL thats exactly what I was thinking LOL


Lol glad to know I wasn’t the only one :rofl:

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That actually gives me a great idea @airsky248 maybe I could possibly have different skins of cartoons as dwiddles in game for cosmetics:D



Lol yeah i def see it


Yes! I’m most likely going to make an an among us skin!

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Okay random question is there like a currency in the game?

How about you can make your own icon? Example:

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Honestly Im not too sure about that; Im probably going to leave it up to the players; theres not really going to be shops unless the players setup their own and then again going back to it depends on what the players would want for the items they are selling

Some might want Iridil, or Metal or maybe even Psychemite

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Oh I alread got an icon for the game; its a fan art but I forgot who made it


I made that art lol :smile: :smile: :smile:! Also, I meant an icon for the player, like they choose their own icon and it floats above their head.

@ViroTGP_YT made that

3o ChArAcTeRs

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No, I was the one that made it lol