Dwiddle Update #5 ~ Survival / Exploration Game

That star reminds me of shiny pokemon so maybe some tools/materials can be special in some way.


yeah this is a really good idea and i totally forgot about this :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, my discord is in my bio so hmu lol

wait but the problem is that im kinda uh broke

well not kind im poor basically on roblox

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Lol dont need to pay me, I just like the game so helping would be cool

I think a good way to incentivise getting pets would be to have pets have certain perks, like a pig would produce one food every ten minutes by foraging or a dog would provide protection. What do you think about this? :upside_down_face:

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Dude these ideas are literally golden thank you so much adding that to my list

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That is a great idea. This could convert both adopt me and simulator players over! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ideas I have gotten from some people and some of my own list

Ill gladly add more ideas anytime!

You could add battles. :smile::+1:

Wait by battles what do you mean

You have a huge fan base so I think you could probably make a devteam with no cost. Everyone loves what you are doing so you should think about having some of us help you because that is a lot of things on your list. :grimacing: :grinning:

Well Im gonna be the only scripter so all that stuff isnt really that hard (not bragging) so I just need some idea people and people with great things to add to the game

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I mean that there could be some sort of pvp system where if you beat someone you earn some sort of reward.

Well for the animal perks you could make animals that have an axe as a horn so when fed they chop down trees, maybe a large bird/bat that allows flight to other islands for resources but is expensive to use/get, try limiting/making a semi linear progression system based on animals who require certain resources, maybe a rock monster needs a certain ore and to get that ore you need a certain pick and to get that pick you need to go to island A and to go to island A you need a pet from island B and so on and so on to sort of push people in the right direction


Well Im not sure about this but I might make it so that you drop your items when you die but players might not like that

I can make skins and accessories!

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@budmomo your mind is like a never ending tunnel I love these ideas holy crappp

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That is what I was thinking originally but then I thought of that issue.

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Why not make a casual pvp arena and a Survivalist Pvp arena? casual you maybe just have to pay a fee to enter but dont lose your items but the survivalist is free but you lose your items, that way pvp is available but you can choose the difficulty

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