Got done making the Stone Tomahawk and a nice low poly tree!
Whatcha think of it?
Ohh bruh, if you are going to make this game available, can’t wait to play it!
Dude of course im gonna make it available!
Jeez that looks so good man! Keep up the great work!
Each teaser is better then the last! I can’t express anymore how good this game is! Good work
Love your feedback on all of them, thanks for the support!
wow I can’t wait to play this game when it comes out!
That is dedication at its finest, you have been working on this all day. I have been on the forum regularly today and all I see is new updates of this game. Keep up the great work
Ok so I like all the stuff, but the tomahawk is kinda blunt. Other than that really amazing!
The whole game is low poly so I don’t really think it matters whether it was sharp or not. Like Minecraft.
Will you publish this game on 2020 or 2021?
Dude honestly Im not really sure when Ill actually release it, but the thing is since this is a survival / exploration game I can release it early and just update it over time; but I im really not sure when ill actually release the game to play though; maybe when its in alpha but the problem is that with some games you have to finish them completely and then release them so im in kind of a weird situation with Dwiddle
You haven’t even posted you’re game and you already have a fan base. Wow. Your game is coming along well.
Dude like seriously I know right you dont see that everyday, somethings telling me if I keep at it this game will become a real success
I love the animation!
when it hits the tree it sounds like bongos!
Good feedback is all a developer can ask for. I posted my first post yesterday and I got piled on by people saying not to use free models.
Yeah I guess I got lucky and my game was just apparently that well, because well I guess people saw I really put effort into this game and love; which i really did
I think the sparkles would look better if they were a simple four point sparkle and less frequent, like 1-2 seconds between each sparkle
and depending on rarity of the item (if that becomes a factor) different colours
ohhhh yeah omg @budmomo can i hire you to be my idea person,
literally this is so good items can have rarities i totally forgot about that