Dynamic footstep system help?

hello, im right now making a backrooms horror game and have recently been trying to make a footstep system depending on the players speed.

I have tried to implement this many times however it hasnt gone to well, i first decided to use the characterRblxSounds in the players local scrpts and edit it from there, but it was to hard and complex for my understanding.

I used many systems made by other players but these still did not give me the outcome i wanted, so i have deleted everything and i want the start the system from scratch but not sure how?

heres the original edited characterRblxSfx example, obviously i want to make it dynamic.

as you can see the speed of the footstep noise is not changing while the player is running, leading to janky sort of sprinting.

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I highly recommend you make your footstep system to get a fuller understanding of the script itself rather than relying on other people’s scripts.

Dynamic footstep includes pitch, volume and playback.
Maybe when the character starts sprinting, you can adjust these 3 things.

This is my dynamic footstep system that is relative to the player’s speed:

yeah i dont like using free models at all, unless i have to.

cool system dude, exactly what i need, have you got any things i can use to help make the same thing? as in tutorial wise etc.

could i make a script using run service that checks the players speed add a sound into the players character, and update the pitch and speed of the sound depending on the players velocity?

Alternative approach: edit the running/walking animations and use keyframes to play step sounds. That way, the sounds play exactly when a user steps.

Sure thing! I don’t mind explaining how I did it.

The first thing I did was make these empty variables before a RunService

local dynamicVolume = 0
local dynamicPlaybackSpeed = 0

Then, I simply clamp and lerp the amount relative to the player’s speed

local maxdynamicVolume = 1
dynamicVolume = math.clamp(lerp(0, maxdynamicVolume, rootpart.Velocity.Magnitude/maxSpeed), 0, maxdynamicVolume)
local mindynamicPlaybackSpeed = .8
local maxdynamicPlaybackSpeed = 1
dynamicPlaybackSpeed = math.clamp(lerp(mindynamicPlaybackSpeed, maxdynamicPlaybackSpeed, rootpart.Velocity.Magnitude/maxSpeed), mindynamicPlaybackSpeed, maxdynamicPlaybackSpeed)

Remember that this method is for individualized sounds so each sound is uniquely different from one another.

I’d say it’s a bit tedious to implement all these, but I guess it’s worth it?

hmm sure ill give this a go, the only problem i think i may face is that how will i play the sound without it sounding horrible as the footstep sound it like 0 seconds long so i might spam, no?

sorry i didn’t catch that. wdym by 0 seconds long and it might spam?

say if i were to make the sound play over and over, because the length of the sound is 0.5 seconds wouldnt it just sound like the footsteps are spamming?

The way I play my sound is through animation events, so it wouldn’t spam and overall enhance realism, but since your game is in first person, I’d suggest you can add a debounce between each sound. For example if the character were to run, and can set the debounce lower.

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