Dynamic Head is always invalid

I want to upload this custom character i’ve modelled to the Roblox marketplace.
When I tried to upload it, it said “DynamicHead when emoting surpasses the expected bounding box”
So far I’ve tried removing all animations, but that gave this message: “Head.MeshId has inactive FACS controls: Pucker, LeftLipCornerPuller…” and “DynamicHead did not pass threshold (0.000000 < 0.095000 ) for percent change when emoting”
then, I tried redoing all the animations with minimal movement, and it still says it surpasses the expected bounding box.

Is there way to know exactly what bounding box it is surpassing, and how to see it and not surpass it.

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you deleted your face bones or they aren’t near your mesh

This is not necessarily the case. For clarification, how roblox determines if your dynamic head is emoting enough is by taking screenshots. You can actually see studio taking the screenshots as it validates.


The closer you are to being emotive “enough” is shown in the error. See it says here 0…085770<0.95000. The threshhold is 95000 and im almost there, at 85770.

Just to prove how silly this requirement is… Here is devon default. Devon does not emote enough.

But when I make the eyes and mouth bigger, I get no error. I did not reposition any bones, change the texture at all, or change the weight painting at all. I only changed the mesh so the eyes and mouth are bigger.

Of course changing the weight painting is probably a better option as this looks silly! But its to prove a point. It can be a variety of things that cause this issue. The end result is all that the validator takes into account.


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