Dynamic Heads & Facial Animation Preview Beta

Story-type games with more depth and emotion. I think this update complements spatial voice too. Love the effort they’re putting into making Roblox a more social, expressive experience. :happy1:


I think that the concept is a nice idea, however, the realistic faces are horrifying.


It doesn’t fit the style of roblox, at all.



Great feature but… Enabling this feature in studio is causing many skinned mesh to bugged out though…

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Although this is a really cool feature I can see this being used in horror games as we naturally find things unknown to us kind of uneasy.

Ladies and gentlemen, the future of roblox

This seems to be a strange version of the MetaHuman Creator by Unreal Engine, only somewhat blockier. Definitely a step away from the norm, since Roblox has been all about blocks for the longest time.

Interested in seeing what other users can make out of this.

Thank you so much Roblox for making something that won’t let us sleep anymore!

:clap::clap: (Clap clap)

To be honest, I feel like Roblox is forgetting what their style was. They had unique avatars that made people instantly think, “Oh yea that’s Roblox!”. But making Rthro and these avatars aren’t similar to Roblox at all. People would just say, “A lot of games already have that type of avatar.”

So yes, I think Roblox is losing their creativity in their old avatar designs.


The one on the left is absolutely great and interesting!

The one on the right if nightmare fuel, but they still will promote that one the most because it fits in more well with their marketing for anthro and realism.

I also want to +1 the idea of how the blocky avatars made Roblox unique, and the way your company goes more and more for the generic realistic ones isn’t the best choice in my opinion. I get why you want to do that, maybe distance yourself from all the stigma of these blocky dudes, but I’d side with keeping things this way, with both the good, it being originality, and the bad.


This is a very good update, but tbh i think the more realistic 3D face is kinda scary.


oh… this is um… definitely something to say the least

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How do I use the faces? I cannot figure it out.

It’s currently in beta, right now we only have access to it through Studio beta features.


These look somewhat scary, but at the same time I think it looks pretty cool. I think this has a lot of potential.

I have the beta of it and cannot figure it out.

It can only be used for NPCs in Roblox Studio at the moment I think, because we cannot use them on our Roblox avatars in public experiences just yet.

Yea already tried using it onto an npc.

Are we able to export this rig into blender?

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@3rdhoan123 I asked the same question here, and it appears that we will be able to export this new rig into Blender. I think the new hands, will be the only major change with making animations or renders in Blender.