Dynamic Heads & Facial Animation Preview Beta

Wow okay now this is literal nightmare fuel

This seems like a good feature for use in roleplay games


Change has to happen at some point…?


yea, whether you like it or not
roblox will change, you can’t stop it

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sure, but this is just falling face first into the uncanny valley.

I mean… odds are roblox is just going to abandon it like how they abandoned vr and so many other features


either way roblox will change for the good or the bad

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what about faces? especially colored faces. will they have an alt dynamic version? (ex: evil skeptic)


This is honestly the most cursed thing i’ve ever forced my eyes to see

Definitely pretty excited to see where this goes, as I am very much into the idea of 2D/2.5D faces (especially in the style of classic Roblox faces).

I was planning to have a feature in my game where the character’s face would change dynamically based on what is going on in-game, and this came out at a pretty good time for that. Though that all depends on if I can get a good head mesh that would fit with the game’s art style.

I do agree with a lot of people that the rig with the 3D face provided is… very uncanny, but funny to mess with.


I think this is amazing

looking forward to the future of this


Just please, please, make this optional. I get what you’re going for, but some of us still like Ro"blox" being a blocky style game. Don’t remove that classic look or feel!


Does “Build New Dynamic Heads” and “Build New Dynamic Accessories” in the roadmap refer to importing skinned meshes with custom shape keys?

Or is “Dynamic Head Creation Toolkit” what that’s all about in the further future?

Hope it comes eventually… :grin:

And I wonder what “Real-time Facial Animation” is all about? I guess exposing the API for customization and creation real-time? Like the difference between a KeyframeSequence and Animation asset?

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Honestly i think this takes the ro out of roblox “robots an blocks”

Oh. My. Goodness.

This is such a great change!!

I believe you can actually already imitate this type of thing by using a deformable hair mesh with bones. It won’t calculate each strand of hair, but it’d probably work

If this hasn’t been mentioned yet, I wonder if full body meshes (using one full mesh for the entire body) will be possible in the future?

I’m going to be completely honest, this isn’t as bad as people say it is. Yeah, it might look creepy but to some people, this is very cool.


I don’t have a problem with the 2D animated faces, really, it’s a neat feature albiet unwarranted. It’s no different than the faces you can buy in the catalog avatar shop except they’re animated. But the 3D ones, with lips and teeth? I’d rather we keep somewhat true to the original ROBLOX style.


The face on the left looks pretty cool to me but the one on the right creeped me out…

Honestly, it’s pretty creepy, however, I do think that it’s an interesting feature.