Dynamic Heads scale SpecialMeshes without restrictions

When uploading a Dynamic Head to the catalog, they can bypass the size limits for its SpecialMesh in R6.

Criminality Screenshot with an R6 body on

Instructions will be linked privately in the staff section.

Why would this be bad

Can be very annoying and obscure players view or make experiences un-fun for other players.

Expected behavior

When uploading a Dynamic Head, The SpecialMesh head size should scale properly with the R15 MeshPart item.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Wow, this is quite game breaking, I’ve just seen one a few minutes ago :grimacing:
I hope this gets fixed soon!

It’s part of this bundle Robot Mech - Roblox


We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!


I’ve also been experiencing this issue. It is very hard to be a developer with UGC, as it leaves developers to deal with the consequences of more people having permission to upload UGC. People are finding ways to make the game unbearable to play because of how small or big their characters can be with the new features of UGC. There’s no way to detect how big a catalog item is and scale it down accordingly. You would need a blacklist, but that isn’t a reliable option as new UGC items are uploaded constantly. A way I thought of getting around this was by replacing the Special Meshes with Mesh Parts so you could see the scale of the mesh, but with Roblox’s capabilities as of now, you can’t change the Mesh ID of a Mesh Part in real time.

Honestly, second this, I am not a big dev or a guy who can run a game, however I can emphasize with this, stepping on other peoples feet ain’t okay, specifically speaking I found this bug accidently, probably will say the same for the rest who realize it.

Concerns are more for people who obviously will just abuse with malicious intent

This is corrected! Won’t happen with newer uploads. Thanks everyone, gonna close it out.