We’ll start out on the Baseplate because it already has some of the lighting effects we need.
We only need to add ColorCorrection
So it turns out setting the ColorCorrection saturation below -1 inverts the hue,
making the sky orange and the sun glow blue (if you have the SunRays effect).
(In this case we’ll set the saturation to -1.5 so the sky is brown instead of orange):
One problem with this is that it inverts the hue of everything (not just the sky).
Luckily you can re-invert those colors by running something like this for every part:
local h,s,v = part.Color:ToHSV()
part.Color = Color3.fromHSV((h-.5)%1,s,v)
(this doesn’t account for textures tho).
To get it looking more like Mars, you can play with the settings of other Lighting effects,
like making the sun smaller and adding haze:
(btw you can change the blue glow by messing with the SunRays settings)
here are my final Atmosphere settings:
(I also changed the ambient colors and added a tint)
What it looks like in motion:
Martian Sky.rbxl (35.2 KB)
I’m excited to see what you make with this!
TLDR: Setting the ColorCorrection saturation below -1 inverts the hue which you can use to get the sky Martian looking.