Dynamic Price Floors Are Hurting Creator Earnings

Hello, I am a UGC creator and item collector. I run a small UGC group linked below which I have run for some time now:

I have been making UGC for a bit even pre-public and have noticed my sales drop significantly and not because of anything to do with search result ranking (most of my older items still rank quite high in search results) at least to my knowledge. Roblox has continually been raising the price of accessories ever since the implementation of the ‘dynamic price floor’ update as I’m sure all of you are aware of and this has greatly affected both buyers and sellers. I myself have postponed buying a ton of accessories (which greatly pains me as a collector) due to the fact that things have just gotten so unnecessarily expensive for no real reason other then the fact that Roblox just seems to want to milk every last drop of money from the players. Head accessories alone have seen more then a 100% increase in their price since the implementation of dynamic price floors and for what reason exactly? This is purely a money making move on the part of Roblox and I can’t really see any argument for the contrary. Attached below are two screenshots, both of which are recently uploaded accessories from my group:

As you can see the favorites to sales ratio is TERRIBLE. Previously before the implementation of the dynamic price floor update it was the other way around and this was especially true for new items where you’d get a large amount of sales early on and the favorites would eventually catch up and surpass them later. This has now completely reversed where, since players cannot afford the items (due to the exorbitant and unnecessary inflation of prices) they are favoriting rather then buying and greatly lowering the chance of a potential sale all because players are waiting for a time where the price is lowered by Roblox in order to afford it. This is bad and hurts revenue generation for all types of UGC creators both big AND small but especially small as a bulk of your sales and discovery is done early on in the items life cycle before it gets buried in the sea of other UGC items. I don’t know what can be done to fix this other then greatly lowering price floors or just reversing the update altogether though I know the likelihood of this happening is next to nil. Are price floors just going to continually increase until nobody can afford anything or is Roblox just using as test mice seeing how much players will pay before completely avoiding purchasing anything at all by constantly changing the price floor? I know I’m not the only creator or player bothered by this constant upping of prices.

TLDR; Roblox’s unmitigated and unending greed as a result of a dynamic price floor update is hurting UGC creators of all sizes and players in general by hindering potential purchases.


Facts, it’s hurting creators and players.


After this update, I felt that I didn’t want to buy Robux anymore if the outfits I wanted costed too much in comparison to before. It just discouraged me from buying accessories. Not sure about others.


This sucks. I don’t really like the idea of such price floors, but it’s understandable to have items be a minimum of 20 Robux so they’re not free. What can we do though, Robux is becoming more worthless, but hopefully creators will somehow survive this.