Dynamic Skies Are Getting Cloudy

This. This is one problem I face so much, huge games with the intent of realism only to get shut down by the limitations. If you really want to “power imagination”, why not give the developers more freedom and not give them limitations on most things.


Why is there no height customization?

For me this isn’t a problem, but I can imagine that there are many genres of games that could suffer from this.

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Small but great update to clouds, at least we got some update on them for if they’re being worked on or not, water reflection is really nice

This is pretty nice indeed, though it’s pretty bad that we’re getting literally no information on how the development is going.

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I did make a post sharing concerns about no updates on clouds and what’s going on with them with a few suggestions for V3 of these clouds

Here’s the post if you didn’t see it:

But yea, after all these years all we get is clouds reflecting on water suddenly… I don’t think it’s very worth it compared to active updates on clouds and there development state, hell I’d be happy if roblox came out and said something like “clouds are currently on hold due to other features for the engine being at focus” but yea, being left in the dark is not good at all for something at critical for graphics as volumetric clouds as we have no efficient or optimized way to create our own clouds system.


Hey everyone,

I have a small update to share - looks like some of you already discovered it. I’m happy to announce that water will reflect dynamic clouds on all platforms in mid to high graphics quality mode (at or above 8 FRM).



Hello, will we ever have an update of what’s going on with the Phase 3 of Clouds or this is just some of these Roblox updates that take years to get implemented?


I would also like to have API’s that have to do with the clouds system. Such as detecting whether a position is in a cloud and stuff like that.

im a meteorologist so i want stuff like this

Will we have different clouds region (don’t know if this is the right word.

Here’s what I mean:


-At spawn the sky is clear and blue

-by looking at the sea from the beach, we can see storms approaching

-in a nearby island there’s some cumulus, but some [insert cloud name] are coming

In other terms dynamics clouds meteorology things in Roblox


Please tell me that this is still gonna be updated…
This would be such a good feature

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Oh wow!

Great to see Dynamic Clouds haven’t been abandoned after all, this will certainly bring much more realism to many games on Roblox. :+1:

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Something has gone wrong with the reflections. At night, they are extremely bright, not to mention pixelated. This happens in both Studio and live game.

Strangely enough, if I disable and re-enable clouds, or change the Lighting technology mode, it fixes itself, but only temporarily. Re-loading the place brings back the issue.

I believe it started happening in the last 7-10 days.


When it temporarily fixes (how it used to, and should look)


@ProfessorKJM , @iiostream

Will we ever have any news, sneak peaks or picture about the phase 2 and 3

People have been waiting for 2 years for this, and still didn’t got any news about this.

I want to know if the phase 2 and 3 are still being worked on, if they’re cancelled or forgotten, or just if we can get some informations.

We don’t want to get disappointed for something we’ve been waiting for a while.

I’m just hyped cause I can’t wait to see how realistic will be the clouds and how good will be the flight simulator games.

I’m just asking even if I know that there’s a very small chance to get an answer.

Sorry if there’s any grammar error but I think everybody can understand this anyway.


Any updates on this? I would really love to see this feature improve!


Are there any updates on Phase 2? Can’t wait for it


So uhh… are there any new updates on clouds that we should know about…?
Seems like this might be another cancelled update… I really needed this for one
Of my games but I guess the newer phases won’t be released


Because there engine can only handle so much. That’s why over the years it’s gotten better and better. Engines don’t just build them self it takes time.

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Where is phase 2? It’s been months.


hope this comes out soon its reallly awesome

its already out. phase 2 and phase 3 isnt though