Dynamic Skies Are Getting Cloudy

well wow i didn’t know roblox was supposed to be this realistic :sob:
uh, well, if we were going to use particles, it would decrease performance extremelly and particles would clip out of the camera if they’re too big, or you’re not in certain camera angle im pretty sure, just sayin

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How would this work? Will there be things like different cloud types and also cloud height?


Clouds are just going to follow the wind direction


wait that actually looks sick!


It is much better now that they have added wind direction and can be used in-game rather than just in the studio.


It’s been a while since any update has been posted to this thread. It’d be nice to have an updated roadmap since the creator roadmap doesn’t mention anything about dynamic skies specifically. I know that the Breeze into Wind beta has changed this part of the initial announcement:

However, in that quote from the initial announcement from two years ago, it sounds like it was not initially planned to have a non-fixed wind direction before Phase 1 was finished. From what I can tell, Phase 1 still hasn’t been completed since Phase 1c hasn’t been implemented.

I bring this up since I just had a really good use case for altering the height of the clouds (which was supposed to be a part of Phase 2 or 3). I wanted to create a tutorial floating island in my game that was hidden by clouds above the main island. That way I could hide the floating island and potentially have a cool introduction to the main area of the map where they have to go through the clouds to reveal the map.

Having an updated roadmap would help me know if I should just give up on this idea.


mannn I feel like we won’t be able to make it to phase 2 and 3 for the past almost 3 years :skull:. Just wait until this topics going to close in soon…


I’ve been waiting for a long time, and we’ve received no update whatsoever on dynamic skies. If we want realistic experiences to thrive on Roblox, we really need more customization options to dynamic clouds and such. :cloud:


I really hope they release the feature where you can choose what type of cloud you want, and the height.


“Phases 2 and 3 will extend features to allow flying through and above clouds, with further lighting improvements and controls for cloud types and shapes.”
Wow, I’m so glad they’ve started improvements in this direction, been waiting a long time for this, I’m anticipating what possibilities we’ll have…!

after 2 years we still haven’t been given any of those words. Why do you talk about it, but in the end you don’t hold back your words, we only got the property to change cloud speed and that, I can’t change cloud speed just for clouds, it applies to wind and particles and so on.
It’s really sad that this kind of thing gets put on the back burner, especially the ones that the community really likes.


Someone should ask David on RDC 2024, “What happened to dynamic skies and can you continue its development?”. Really sad someone didn’t consider doing it on RDC 2023.

Note: Only at the time david allows questions.


Bump! We need the other phases


Fun fact : This is never getting it’s next phase. It’s dead.


This phase went further than expected. It got into heaven.


You can get so high into the sky the clouds just disappear all together lol


love this idea makes it easyer of storm chasers to create games!

When are we getting the next phase!


All the people working on this feature made it to realistic they got caught in a hurricane simulation they made and now they are traveling at 255+ miles across the robloxian Bahamas


damn :pensive:

                eeeeeeeeee                   effefefefefefefefefe

phase 2 when ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

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