I’m building a game where players start in their own private “farm” server when they first join. This private server acts as a tutorial area (and eventually their own server after they understand the basics), allowing them to play through Day 1 without distractions from other players.
Once they complete Day 1, the game should recognize their progress and set the lobby as their default spawn location for future sessions. From the lobby, they can revisit their private farm or interact with other players.
My main questions are:
Is it possible to dynamically set a player’s spawn location based on their progress (e.g., Day 1 completion)?
What tools or scripting methods should I use to implement this system?
I’m familiar with DataStoreService for saving progress and TeleportService for managing private servers, but I’m unsure how to structure this system effectively.
This is 100% possible. You can write Day 1 completion as part of a user’s data in a DataStore. The only finnicky part of implementing what you want is spawn locations due to how SpawnLocations work on ROBLOX. If each player is assigned their own Team, you could set the team of the desired SpawnLocation of a player to the player’s team, which will ensure the player spawns at that specific SpawnLocation every time their character loads. Be sure to set the ‘Neutral’ property of all SpawnLocations in your game to false or you will have players spawning in places they shouldn’t spawn in (players can spawn in either team spawns or Neutral spawns). This is the method I recommend due to its simplicity, but there is an alternative method where you directly set the CFrame of a player’s character to their desired spawn location although this method is more finnicky.
The infrastructure to set up your system is relatively straightforward. Store the player’s data as a table, and have this table be an entry in a player data DataStore. The player data table should store what day they’ve completed (this can be used to determine if the player has completed Day 1 or not), their Day 1 reserved private server, and any other data necessary for your game. If no data can be found, the game should set the player’s day to Day 1 and automatically reserve a server using TeleportService:ReserveServer and then store the returned server ID in the player’s data. Next, the game checks what day the player is on. If they are on Day 1, they automatically get placed into a private server via TeleportService:TeleportToPrivateServer
This should serve as an in depth guide as to how to get your game up and running in no time. I hope you find this post helpful, and I wish you luck on scripting your game!