E tap thingy for sub

if you want you can add me in Roblox if you want

This isn’t really the solution to this post. If the author asked in the title for a β€œE” prompt to sit in a seat, only that can be the solution.

Other users who might have this issue will click on this thread hoping to find a solution to a similar issue, but find out that it was a solution that could have been done on a completely different thread.

As for the REAL purpose of this topic

You can use ProximityPrompts to successfully make a player sit in a seat upon hitting a key.

-- Pretend the script is located within the seat --
local Seat = script.Parent

-- Pretend this is my ProximityPrompt --
local ProxPrompt = script.Parent:WaitForChild("ProximityPrompt") -- pretend the ProximityPrompt is located within the seat

-- Make a debounce so players can't spam this too much. It doesn't really matter, but it could help if you ever want to rate limit
local db = false

-- Hook a Triggered event to fire when the player uses the prompt --
    if not db then
        db = true

        -- Get our Humanoid so we can make the Player sit on the seat
        local Character = Player.Character
        local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

        -- Make the Humanoid Sit --

        db = false