E tap thingy for sub

I have a sub and I am looking to make a tap e thing to get in the seat but this e must been the top hatch and the seat is in the middle of the sub.Then when u jump u can get out.


Sorry, not to be rude but can you please reword this? I had to read it 4 times.

I think your talking about a proximity prompt, here’s how to use one: Proximity Prompts | Roblox Creator Documentation

Wait I got a new problem,

So I have a sub right and I need it without water,because when I put in the water with editor it fills up and with normal dive it doesnt.

That’s not related to the prompt and I don’t know how to fix it because I am not a scripter.

This is scripting support tho.

I know, I like to help with the stuff I can, like the prompt. That didn’t require much scripting.

Non-scripters can use this section too.

Sorry, but we can’t really help you if don’t present your issue in a way thats understandable. I assume you want the character to sit in a seat, upon pressing a key? If so look into these APIs: UserInputService. Seat:Sit. Once again I’m finding it very hard to understand you.

I have a new problem : Submarine being filled with water

Can someone help me with this ?

so i modified the model from this

so now this is the new version

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Thank you so much, I am trying it now :slight_smile:

So I tried it and it still fills up with water when I put it with studio in the water.

can i see the screen shot of it



Btw I am on an alt to see if it was with my acc.

well is possible to remove the water inside of it but is way too complicated for me i don’t really know to do it but ill try to search some for it

Alright thank you for what u are doing for me .

so i found a script that doesn’t allow to swim now i just needed to make a trigger for it

Perfect and again I can’t thank you enough.

here’s the model

all though there’s one bug that i cant really seem to fix when you go in the submarine you wont swim inside but you cant swim out side too other then that is a okay

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Thank you so much, it is good, thank you!

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