kind of proud of myself to officially say that one of the games ive been working on is out in early release!
ill start putting ads out for it in the coming days, but im also looking to get some feedback from users outside of our dev team
kind of proud of myself to officially say that one of the games ive been working on is out in early release!
ill start putting ads out for it in the coming days, but im also looking to get some feedback from users outside of our dev team
I like the top-down view and the stealth/fighting concept of the game, I don’t know anything else like it on Roblox so there’s definitely potential for it just by how unique it is.
However, I think keeping new players long enough to play is likely going to be your main issue. It’d be good to sort that out before spending money on advertising to make it more effective.
Right now, in order to get into a match you have to:
By this point, it’s taken maybe 2 minutes or so to get into playing the game. It doesn’t sound like much, but every second counts for new players. They’ve already shown an interest by joining the game, so you have to maintain that until they can be completely engaged (i.e. actually playing the game).
Either this time should be cut shorter (which I’m sure it can in a few ways), or there should be more interesting screens/things to do while waiting.
The opening screen:
The ‘Quick Join’ button, which is the main button to play the game, is smaller than all of the other buttons on this first page. That should not be the case as it’s quite unintuitive - it might sound like I’m nitpicking, but these things stack up and make games feel clunky to play, which is especially bad for retaining new players.
The opening screen should not be filled with shop items. For a start, the bright colours draw your eyes away from the Quick Join button - that’s not great.
Understandably, you want to make money from this game, which is fine, but consider how a new player sees this. They have no interest in spending money on your game yet, because they haven’t even played it. Draw their attention to the Quick Join button, or better yet, automatically press it for them if it’s their first time. Get them playing immediately and send them back to the lobby afterwards - if you do the work of guiding them to the gameplay for them, you’ll keep a lot more new players.
I don’t have much to say about the gameplay itself, because I wasn’t able to play it with many people as it’s meant to be played. The UI in general could be a lot less clunky (the chat is decent, but it should always be on the screen instead of being pushed behind other UI popping up). The HUD is fine when you’re playing because it doesn’t get in the way. I like that, it’s something a lot of games get wrong.
You don’t really need to see your own nametag, so that could be disabled to make it clearer to see your character.
There’s definitely more than this to look at, but these things would be a start. Good luck and I hope to see your game get popular soon!