Earn a Higher Revenue Share for $9.99+ Paid Access Experiences

This system uses actual USD payouts. Hopefully Subscriptions get transferred to this as well.

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A subscription model I came up with but probably won’t use, take it or leave it -

  1. Players get an x-day trial the first time they play the game, since few users will subscribe without getting to try the game at least once
  2. Players can purchase a “Subscription Token” as a dev product and trade it to other players for in-game items, similar to how World of Warcraft works; this lets free users play your game for free if they grind and trade valuable mats, and lets paid users purchase things in-game without accusations of “pay to win”, since it’s an interface with the in-game economy and the value is set by users.
  3. If a player’s subscription runs out, they are EITHER: locked on the menu unless they redeem a subscription token/purchase a subscription, OR have access to a limited number of areas/features so they can grind materials to trade for a subscription token.

People wont play the game if its too expensive, Your argument is kinda silly.

I do think there will be moderation challenges, But this could allow genuinely good games to get the funding they need.

Id advocate for tighter moderation to make sure your publishing stuff with a certain quality standard (steam style) but knowing roblox it would probably just result in horrible ux for developers.

I havent been able to release my plugin (summit docs) for two days now because moderation keeps automatically (falsely) flagging it for ‘misusing roblox systems’ despite its compliance with the plugin marketplace rules

why does this require an ID, can somebody ban roblox from ever using ID verification, like editables then this??


I cannot imagine there’s much of a market for paid USD games based on the reception for the plugins update.


Probably because of the fact it involves real money. ID verification for things like editable images is outright stupid and I encourage you to fight it but this is a more reasonable application of the stupid system.


This is literally insane. What does Roblox want to do?

If Roblox wants their platform to be considered a quality platform for gamedev (this is what they imply with this feature) they gotta invest in fundamental things such as fixing graphics (A seperate graphics client for Desktop platforms, it is internally supported already to use different lighting for different clients). Physics and other engine limitations. Why would I spend REAL MONEY on a Roblox game if the engine is 10+ years behind conventional game engines?

And if Roblox is for cashgrabs so they can turn a profit maintaining those amounts of servers, why would anyone paywall a cashgrab behind real money? That defeats the purpose.

I dont mind Roblox choosing either way, its their business not mine. But if you are considering adding features like these, maybe start fixing the fundamental lack of fidelity of the engine. You know instead of UI reskins and niche features such as aerodynamics, fix your physics engine. Fix your graphics from 2013. Stop lowering down all client’s thread counts to 3 just to have mobile compatibility.

TL;DR If roblox wants people to pay real money for their games, they gotta have to up their engine and most importantly seperate graphics/engine limitations for desktop/mobile clients.


Why would you pay $9.99+ for a roblox game? I mean cmon, with $9.99 you can buy games that are way better in graphic than roblox and have way better features than what roblox engine is capable of.

And you know most of your audience are made up of childrens which is stupid to make updates like this.

And what is the point of having dedicated currency then? To buy gamepasses and accessories only?


Having preset prices doesn’t really make sense to me, nor does disallowing us to sponsor the experience on the platform (unless it’s some sort of regulation or legal issue)

Allowing developers to choose our own prices would enable us to put the game on sale as well. Say we had a $10 game, on weekends or holidays we could run a sale for $4.99, etc.


respectfully, why are you guys pushing your local currency stuff down our throats if you already have robux??? it doesn’t make any sense, and i’m sure it won’t make any sense to any roblox user out there. i don’t know about you, but i’m not willing to spend even 9.99 USD for access to a roblox experience.

most of your users probably already have their budget in robux, i don’t think that these people are willing to pay real money yet again when there’s an already existing currency in the platform


1 big issue with this. Why would I ever use Roblox for a high quality game? It doesnt make sense. Other engines arent sandboxed or held down by mobile clients.

Actually you literally can’t use roblox for “High quality” games. Cheap reflections and well textured assets, alongside basic internal shaders such as the shorelines thing or moving grass is not “High quality” its the least you can expect from a game engine in 2024.


Pretty great. I think pricing tiers need a rework.


Can we have a full list of the amounts in other currencies? I’m really curious to know the amounts in my local currency.

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I’m talking from a Developer’s perspective not a Player’s perspective. If you are going to make it paid access then you would want to maximize your profits.

At the end of the day free to play is still the best option to earn the most if you know how to monetize properly.

My point is that a developer should not earn less because they want to make their game affordable…

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The “high quality games” industry has had numerous studio shutdowns and massive layoffs over the past two years, meanwhile Roblox’s growth is accelerating.

I personally disagree. I think it’s completely possible to create high quality games. Games like Frontlines have shown this to be possible, a work in progress VR shooter by PoptartNoahh shows crazy fidelity, even the user GregTime is working on a crazy train simulator. High quality also does not mean high fidelity, there’s multiple high quality games that are simple in style yet provide rich content.


The commercial failures of others doesn’t make Roblox a high quality engine. It simply isn’t. UE2 had better graphics.

ah yes, a other feature gatekept by this ‘id verification’ thing. Funny.

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what does that even mean though? Its up to a developer what monetization they employ. If you make less its your own fault (or an issue related to devex fees, but it looks like that maybe is being phased out eventually)

Why offer different rates for different prices…