I’m considerably new to Roblox’s analytics system so bare with me if there’s something I’m missing here, but I just wanted to ask for some clarification if anyone was aware;
2 weeks ago, we only had 36 premium playtime sessions and made around 680R$. However, last week I had a staggering increase to 183 premium playtime sessions yet the revenue from premium payouts dropped to around 300R$? I was wondering if anyone knew why this may have been the case. I’ve added some screenshots below.
5/20/24 - 5/27/24
2 weeks ago
5/27/24 - 6/6/24
1 week ago
Any insight on this would be appreciated, thanks alot. 
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Premium payouts are really strange but Engagement-Based Payouts | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub but from what I’m aware of, the amount of robux you earn isn’t necessarily correlated to the amount of premium players you have in your game, it’s rather how much of their roblox playtime they dedicate to your game.
Like let’s make a new player called A, they have premium but they only play roblox for 10 hours a month. If they decide to spend 20 minutes in your game and 580 minutes on other games then you’ll still earn robux, it just won’t be as much as if they decided to spend 140 minutes in your game and 460 minutes in other games. It’s a weird metric, but from what I’ve seen on average having more players in your game might increase premium payouts. However, the only way to guarantee more robux from those playtime sessions is to add afk mechnanics. In your situation I assume even though you got more players in general (more playtime sesions) those players spent less time in your game compared to other games they enjoy playing.
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