Hey im trying to build a earthquake shaking system that will break anyparts welds.
But only if the part has a Breakable boolvalue i currently has this but i really need help as nothing seems to be working and region3 is really buggy ive tried theres also been problems with lagging.
and somehow it doesnt work i saw a similar system in a game called Breakwater Blitz 2008
also maybe like similar game like natural disaster survival
i really want help as i dont know how i would detect a part touching another part then delete its welds when its touching the main earthquake part
-- Main part where this script is located
local mainPart = script.Parent
-- Earthquake parameters
local shakeDuration = 5 -- Duration of the earthquake (in seconds)
local shakeInterval = 0.5 -- Interval between shakes (to reduce update frequency)
local shakeMagnitude = Vector3.new(2, 0, 2) -- Mild shaking strength for linear velocity
local rotationMagnitude = Vector3.new(2, 2, 2) -- Mild shaking strength for angular velocity
-- Function to print debug info
local function debugPrint(part, message)
print("[DEBUG] " .. part.Name .. ": " .. message)
-- Function to shake the part with slight random rotation and movement
local function shakePart(part)
if part:IsA("BasePart") then
-- Slight random translation shake
local randomShake = Vector3.new(
math.random(-shakeMagnitude.X, shakeMagnitude.X),
0, -- No vertical shake (to keep it grounded)
math.random(-shakeMagnitude.Z, shakeMagnitude.Z)
-- Slight random rotation shake
local randomRotation = Vector3.new(
math.random(-rotationMagnitude.X, rotationMagnitude.X),
math.random(-rotationMagnitude.Y, rotationMagnitude.Y),
math.random(-rotationMagnitude.Z, rotationMagnitude.Z)
debugPrint(part, "Shaking part with slight movement and rotation...")
-- Apply mild shaking velocities for translation and rotation
part.AssemblyLinearVelocity = randomShake
part.AssemblyAngularVelocity = randomRotation
-- Function to destroy all welds in a part (only once per part)
local function destroyAllWelds(part)
local weldFound = false
-- Only destroy welds once per part to avoid redundancy
if part:FindFirstChild("WeldsDestroyed") == nil then
for _, weld in ipairs(part:GetDescendants()) do
-- Check for any type of weld (e.g., WeldConstraint, Weld)
if weld:IsA("WeldConstraint") or weld:IsA("Weld") then
debugPrint(part, "Destroying weld: " .. weld.Name)
weldFound = true
-- Add a marker to the part so we don't destroy the welds again
local weldsDestroyedMarker = Instance.new("BoolValue")
weldsDestroyedMarker.Name = "WeldsDestroyed"
weldsDestroyedMarker.Parent = part
if not weldFound then
debugPrint(part, "No welds found.")
debugPrint(part, "Welds already destroyed, skipping.")
-- Function to unanchor parts
local function unanchorPart(part)
if part:IsA("BasePart") and part.Anchored then
debugPrint(part, "Unanchoring part...")
part.Anchored = false -- Unanchor the part
-- Function to check if a part is "Breakable"
local function isBreakable(part)
local breakable = part:FindFirstChild("Breakable")
if breakable and breakable:IsA("BoolValue") and breakable.Value == true then
debugPrint(part, "Part is breakable.")
return true
debugPrint(part, "Not breakable.")
return false
-- Function to handle parts during the earthquake
local function handleParts(parts)
for _, part in ipairs(parts) do
if isBreakable(part) then
debugPrint(part, "Part is breakable, proceeding to destroy welds and unanchor.")
destroyAllWelds(part) -- Destroy all welds in the part (only once)
unanchorPart(part) -- Unanchor the part
shakePart(part) -- Apply slight shaking effect
-- Function to detect parts using Region3
local function detectPartsUsingRegion3()
-- Calculate Region3 based on the main part's position and size
local partSize = mainPart.Size
local regionSize = partSize + Vector3.new(15, 15, 15) -- Adjusted region size for better detection
local minBound = mainPart.Position - regionSize / 2
local maxBound = mainPart.Position + regionSize / 2
local region = Region3.new(minBound, maxBound)
-- Get all parts in the Region3 (ignoring the main part itself)
local partsInRegion = workspace:FindPartsInRegion3(region, mainPart, math.huge)
if #partsInRegion == 0 then
debugPrint(mainPart, "No parts found in Region3.")
debugPrint(mainPart, "Parts found in Region3!")
handleParts(partsInRegion) -- Handle all parts in the region
-- Main earthquake function
local function startEarthquake()
local startTime = tick()
while tick() - startTime < shakeDuration do
detectPartsUsingRegion3() -- Detect and handle parts using Region3
wait(shakeInterval) -- Wait before applying the next shake to reduce load
-- Start the earthquake when this script runs
the bugs:
Its shaking but the welds aren’t breaking on touch.
also the main part is non coliable (Which is needed in the situation I’m building in, as the floor breaks)