Hi there!
My current project is a custom movement script for a first-person singleplayer game (meaning that having a good looking character is unnecessary) and I am about to move on to making a crouching mechanic.
I’ve played around with this in the past (similar style on an older version of this project) and made something which vaguely works using TweenService to resize the various different parts (my custom character has 2 parts which need to be tweened). This worked well, however I ran into trouble with moving the part to a different place so it fitted within the dimensions required for the character. This is because the tween will take the position of the part you are tweening to at the point you press the crouch key, but will not update any further. This means if the player moves while the crouch tween plays, then a part will be left behind. I never managed to make something which constantly updates the position.
I’ve searched around and almost everyone uses animations for their crouch scripts, but I would guess this is because it needs to look visually nice as there will be more than one person on their game at a time. I’ve also seen that animations are more costly than tweens.
TL:DR: I want to know whether to use TweenService (which has some issues for the purpose that I want) or Animations (which is supposedly more costly) to make a crouching script.
Thanks for your help, and sorry for my bad explanations.