Easiest way to make a cylinder using Roblox studio

Hey guys. I would want to know the most effective/easiest way to make a cylinder. I know that there is a base part with the cylinder shape, however, I would want it to be less “detailed”/round.

Something like this:

What would be the easiest way? Thanks for any help!

I tried using pivot point etc. but I still get cracks and creases:

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Well you could make something like that in blender within 5 seconds of opening blender; so I’d say start learning blender as it will make things a lot easier.

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What if I have to use Roblox to make it? But yeah, in the long-term blender is the way to go on many things.

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Then there is no easy way to make it if you are only using Roblox Studio. It will be a big pain for you to make in in studio.

Is there really no easy way? I saw EgoMoose make something simillar in his testing places, with Roblox parts. But, I guess Blender is the way to go.

Well I guess you could get a part and then duplicate it and rotate it multiple times…

Yeah, but as you said: a pain. I guess Blender is the easiest way, thanks for the suggestion!

I just hope the collision aren’t messed up! Do you think they’ll be, if it’s low poly?

The collisions shouldn’t be messed up with such a simple shape.

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Hey, thanks for the help! But I just remembered that the script I am using does not work with meshparts. Just writing to show others that the post is still open to suggestions!

Thanks nevertheless @PrismaticShadows !

Do you have any good ideas @Crazedbrick1?

There is a cylinder part type, and you can negate it with another cylinder to add the hole, but I still recommend just making a meshpart.

Any reason why? They’re both BaseParts and have basically the same properties, I don’t see how a script would just not accept meshparts

My example was a little bit unlcear, the hollow cylinder was just an example image of a cylinder created with parts (that I got in a model). Basically I want a cylinder that isn’t as smooth as the basepart cylinder made of individual parts, like the image. Hollow or not.

I know it sounds weird, but it’s a pretty complex thing. Basically, I need things to be made of different parts rather than one big chunk, as in a mesh or 1 base part doesn’t work.

Thank you for your response!

Try using this, its a plugin : Archimedes (v3.1.7) - Roblox



Absolutely perfect. Thank you so much, man! Sincerely.

I know this is solved, but when using PivotPoints, did you have the point on the edge of a part and use resize align to fix the gaps?

Hey, thanks for the response! I did take the pivot point to the edge, but I did not use resize align - never heard of it!?

Resize align is basically another plugin, the description should make it clear

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