Hey guys. I would want to know the most effective/easiest way to make a cylinder. I know that there is a base part with the cylinder shape, however, I would want it to be less “detailed”/round.
Well you could make something like that in blender within 5 seconds of opening blender; so I’d say start learning blender as it will make things a lot easier.
Hey, thanks for the help! But I just remembered that the script I am using does not work with meshparts. Just writing to show others that the post is still open to suggestions!
My example was a little bit unlcear, the hollow cylinder was just an example image of a cylinder created with parts (that I got in a model). Basically I want a cylinder that isn’t as smooth as the basepart cylinder made of individual parts, like the image. Hollow or not.
I know it sounds weird, but it’s a pretty complex thing. Basically, I need things to be made of different parts rather than one big chunk, as in a mesh or 1 base part doesn’t work.